ch. 7

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Franky sat in their room, feeling miserable.

"Why the long face, my friend?"

Franky's head shot up. "Wh-"

Willy Wonka.

Wonka grinned. "Please don't ask how I got into your house it'll take ages to explain."

Franky stared. "...How did you get into my house."

Willy groaned. "Hmpf. Not telling. Anyway I'm Willy. Willy Wonka! Nice to m-"

"I know who you are," Said Franky. "Dads been talking about you nonstop since Friday."

Willy brightened. "Really? What a nice fellow. As I was saying-"

"He says you are a little idiot who makes chocolate for fun instead of money."

Willy paused. "Yes. Thats true. Not the idiot part. That would be the little green man who steals my chocolate at night."

Franky shook their head. "Haha. Very funny."

Willy looked indignant. "hey! Its true, thank you very much."

The blonde kid sighed. "Okay then. Why are you here?"

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