The Newspaper Editor

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Cold air creeps through my long trench coat as I walk to the train. Why do I live in this town? So many memories here. Like the day I fell in love with you. Although it only lasted a couple of weeks, I miss the feeling of love. 

My bags are packed. My keys to my heart are locked. The train ticket is in my right hand. 

"Wait!" I can hear footsteps coming. I turn around. I can see him coming towards me. I drop my bags and train ticket. I get startled and almost hopeful, with tears in my eyes I run towards him. He stops and we embrace each other and I say, "Why are you here? You're supposed to be at home with your family!"

He says, "I changed my mind, I wanted to see you before you leave."

I say, "Come with me on the train. Stay with me in the cabin for just an hour, I'll make it up to you."

"No, I can't do that, my family needs me. I just wanted to kiss you one more time. Kiss me again, I just want you to be close to me for one last time."

The train is about to leave the station. The train conductor collects my bags and my ticket, while he and I are still embracing each other. 

"Screw that job! Why do you have to leave? Stay here!"

"I have to go to get work. I can always hold you in my thoughts. It would be nice if I could take off this damn trench coat and just bury myself into your chest, which I can't because I've got this very important job."

"I don't care. I just want you goddamit!"

As I let go of him he says, "I can't do this! I'll jump on the train tracks and kill myself if I can't have you."

"Don't do that, I don't want your death playing on my mind. I have to leave now, the train conductor is calling. But I still love you immensely. Goddam, it's a hard life when you are a newspaper editor and you fall madly in love with a townsperson."

He jumps up to me onto the train door and hugs me. I hug him back. This is our last kiss, then the train is moving and he lets go. 

It's a bittersweet goodbye.

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