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You walked across the sand leaving a trail of footsteps behind you, only to be washed away by the waves of the shore. You looked out to the vast sea wondering how most of Fontaine and others fear the depths of it. You didn't. Either because you were a diver, or because you simply thought that beneath the salty waters lays an alien world. It's like you're not in teyvat anymore each time you dive in. Tonight you were going to dive in once again.

You jogged around to find a good spot to jump off of. There were some ruins which you climbed on top of and overlooked the extremely dark blue water, almost black from the night. You took a couple of steps back before briefly running and jumping to pierce through the waters. You stayed underwater closing your eyes for a bit before opening them. Everything glowed. It was gorgeous. You swam around with the creatures in awe. If the underwater world wasn't alien enough, it sure is now.


Neuvillette sat at his desk finishing off some important papers. Once he was done he collected them in his hands and organised them. His eyes glanced over at the clock ticking in his large office. By this time he'd usually call it a day and rest for tomorrow, however at this time someone he'd been watching would go out diving.

Flashback for context (^o^)/

A few weeks ago Neuvillette had made a visit to the beach to look at the sea. He makes a visit every now and then, watching over the water and feeling a sense of nostalgia and familiarity. He kept walking along it when he heard the fast footsteps someone running. He looked to the distance and there was a woman running across the beach and diving beautifully. It was dark out though and Neuvillette had a small feeling of worry in his stomach. He let some of his true form show and entered the sea to watch the girl from afar in the dark waters.

He was mesmerised from what he saw.

You swam through the sea with ease. Your movements in sync with the fish and creatures around you, as if you were one of them. You turned and twisted your body with the movements of the fish approaching and moving away from you. Neuvillette found himself moving closer to you as you moved further away from him and towards the deeper parts of the ocean.

That night had left him exhausted the next morning. He had watched your private performance in the waters for so long he'd only gotten a few hours of sleep or so. From then he decided he'd watch how you'd dive from afar every night and go back after an hour for his sleep. It had become a routine and part of his lifestyle. It was also refreshing for him. Each night he'd see you swim he let some of his true form show, like a weight he'd lifted off of his shoulders.

Flashback end

This night when you were diving you'd caught a glimpse of Neuvillette in this half 'human' form. He swam backwards quickly in an attempt to move away from your sight but failed. In your mind you thought it was a new sea creature or just your imagination. You swam towards where Neuvillette was and found seaweed instead. You shrugged it off and continued your nightly swim.

Neuvillette was hiding behind some rocks when you started to approach his previous location, his chest rose up and down in fear of someone ever seeing him like this. He quickly composed himself and left the water returning to his old self. As he walked back to where he lives, he was unaware that the feeling of fear he felt earlier was something much more foreign.

𝙰𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 | Neuvillette x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now