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It was the day of the trial. Neuvillette's eyes were obviously tired. Sedene (I love sedene 😭) had asked him if he was okay multiple times but was still given the same answer. A simple pat on the head. He saw enter and watched as you stared at the ground not daring to make eye contact.

Everyone in the room was whispering and your disturbed face only shattered his heart more. She sighed and looked away, just at the moment you decided to look at him. You thought he wasn't paying any attention to you which stressed you more.

Your coworkers were looking at each other and you worriedly. that's before one of your coworkers, a hydro vision holder, decided to fight for all of your honours.
Neuvillette looked at the man and realised who he was.


The day before..


Neuvillette hadn't seen you at the beach so he hoped to find you at the shop you worked at. Instead he found everyone but you. He looked around and someone approached him, one of your coworkers.

"Are you looking for y/n? I'm sorry but she was fired recently, most of us were to be honest.."

"Ah. I see.. I'm sorry for disturbing you then."

"You're that dude she likes right? It's nice to meet you monsieur Neuvillette."

"She likes me?" Neuvillette's eyes lit up and the weather outside had gone from cloudy to sunny in a second.

"A lot. Come to back and I'll explain everything that's been going on." Neuvillette followed this man to the storage room for the store. It was quite empty due to the recent events.

"I'm Tyler if you're wondering. And I already know who you are." Tyler sat on an empty crate gesturing for Neuvillette to sit in front of him.

Long story short Tyler explained how much he supports you and Neuvillette's relationship. After all you and Tyler were like siblings, he'd do anything to let you stay happy. And if Neuvillette was the source of this happiness he'd help him with no problem.

"I'll fight for you, y/n and the shops sake. It's more like a home to all of us. So I'll do anything to protect it." Neuvillette nodded respecting this new made acquaintance. Little did the two know clorinde was listening in as she bought some simple groceries.


Tyler stepped down to the stage in front of Clorinde, drawing out his catalyst to fight with. Clorinde saw the look in Tyler's eyes. He was prepared to die if it came to it. You watched down at the two in shock and fear, your arms trembling and Neuvillette noticed. Clorinde kept the information she learnt about you and Neuvillette a secret to herself. She planned to use less of her strength than usual, whilst looking like she was using all of it.

At the end of the fight Tyler stood victorious, helping Clorinde up after the rough fight. You were dizzy from your thought process. However this meant you were all free from being sent to the fortress of meropide which gave you the feeling of relief swell in your chest. Neuvillette never felt happier. The skies outside were sunny and there wasn't a cloud in sight. After the trial ended and everyone left, you waited outside the large doors inside for Neuvillette. He opened the doors and the moment he saw you he embraced you in a tight hug.

"I thought I'd never hold you again.. I'm so sorry for all of this.." he ran his hand through your hair and he breathed in your scent. You hugged him back, your head buried in his chest.

"I love you so much.." your eyes widened.

"Huh" Neuvillette opened his eyes also realising what he said, instead of being embarrassed he expressed himself further.

"I love you with all my heart, y/n. Say it back.. please.."

".. I love you too. But a lot more than you do."

"We'll see about that." You laughed in response making Neuvillette's heart race with affection.

"I want to see you.. can we meet up today at the usual time..? I miss when we swam together." Neuvillette smiled warmly and held your hand up to touch his cheek.

"Of course. I have some business to take of now, I'll see you tonight." You nodded and kissed the corner of his lips before rubbing off. He stood there hovering his hand over where you kissed him before walking to his office trying to keep a straight face thinking about your small kiss.

𝙰𝚚𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚌 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 | Neuvillette x F!readerWhere stories live. Discover now