Fun Facts 3

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For everyone wondering how far along drafts are and why I'm wasting time on Fun Facts, I am happy to announce that the rough draft has managed to get to the same point in time as chapter 14 of Sea of Monsters. For those who don't want to google what that means, there is only the climax and falling action left to draft out, and then I'll be able to start working on fleshing everything out. 

All thanks to working until 5 in the morning and waking up at 10 to work until 5 AM the next day! God bless spring break and the human ability to fight the urge to sleep!

Copper's Engravings

So a little fact about Copper that I don't think I've ever described (and probably never will as it's not super important beyond trivial detail) is the engravings written on it's side. Copper has engravings that say:

1300 BC

Which is meant to mean: Highest Point 1300 BC Replica

This is a hint about what Copper itself actually is. In the official PJO lore (meaning I read this on the wiki), the original hero Perseus's weapon is referred to as a sickle made out of adamantine and imperial gold. But in the myths, Perseus had a harpe sword which Wikipedia says was described as being made of adamantine/Dimond or otherwise referred to as "unbreakable." 

My original plan for Copper was that Copper would either be revealed as or implied to be the original sword Perseus used to slay Medusa. I thought it would be an interesting  parallel with Percy receiving Riptide, since it once belonged to Zoë and Hercules. But then the more I looked into Perseus's sword in the PJO lore, the more I realized I didn't want to deal with all the whys and hows of Wren receiving Perseus's actual sword. Especially considering it felt way too OP and obnoxious for Wren to have a completely indestructible sword. So instead, Copper is a Celestial Bronze replica of the harpe sword Perseus used to slay Medusa.

Another Sin Against PJO Lore Nerds and Movie Haters Everywhere
For some reason I forgot that demigods still need to be taught Greek... As in, Wren mysteriously reading Greek on the post card is painfully inaccurate to the lore of the OG series. So that one detail derails that whole scene now.

On one hand I could just ignore it or call it a headcanon or something, but first of all; it'd bother me till the end of time, and second of all; THEY DO THE EXACT SAME THING IN THE MOVIES. As in, they have Percy read Greek on the museum field trip. Now, I can over look an inaccuracy or a odd headcanon every now and then, a little timeline stretching or squashing here and there, but I REFUSE TO MAKE THE SAME INACCURACIES IN MY WATTPAD FANFICTION AS THE MOVIE MADE, THAT IS A LINE I WILL NOT CROSS. 

I will correct this eventually...

which means I'll have to edit chapter one A̶̢̢̼̫̝̘̱̼̯͖̥̬͌̎̆̋ ̴̭̳͈͇͇̗͇̹̒̓̊́͘G̵̛͔̿̊̚̕ ̶̨̲̲̞͉̣̪̤̞͓̖̝̗̈̃̀̎͛̊͆̅̂̈̈́̕͝͝͝A̵̡̢̺̘̤̼̯͕͔͚͉̦͑̅̅̐̉̑͌̅͗̍͘͜͝ ̷̛̞͙̲̥̖̤̝̇̔̀̈͑̋̊̊͝I̷͚͍͔͕̱̞̪̖̲̟̰̲͒̓̋͑͗̃́͌͐̈́̅͠͝͝͝ͅ ̶̢̲̭̪͇̗̼̖͉̙̠̃N̶̛̖̦̩.̷̡̹̣̽̃̎͆̓̄̂̓͘͘͠

But not any time soon, for my sake and the sake of everyone waiting on new chapters

Oh Yeah, It's All Coming Together...
So guess what I just learned. In the original myth of the colchis bulls Jason actually does leap over a bull "like a Crete bull fighter." Does anyone remember how I came up with the idea of Wren jumping over one of the bulls during their fight specifically because I wanted to reference the Crete bullfighters? Well look at how it all works out in the end. This is why I'm writing writing fun.

Wren's Nervous Habits
While it hasn't become apparent enough to actually be characterized, and it may never be, Wren does canonically have a lot of manifestations of her stress and anxiety. Obviously these aren't super important and probably won't come up much, but here's two of these include you can look out for:
Teeth grinding (especially in her sleep) that actually results in sensitive teeth and affects her eating habits.
Biting things when stressed to keep from grinding her teeth while she's awake; mostly her second knuckle or her nails. And before anyone asks, she doesn't bite people or furniture or stuff like that. 

Circe Didn't Just Turn Odysseus's Crew into Pigs
Circe is most famously known for the role she plays during the Odyssey, where she turns Odysseus's crew into pigs. But before the Trojan War Circe had appeared in another relevant hero's story. 

I'm sure most people know by now that The Sea of Monsters is an amalgamation of the events that transpire in both the story of Jason and the Argonauts and the story of Odysseus and his crew. What you might not know is that Jason had his own meeting with Circe that was sort of uneventful. 

He and Medea get cleansed for murdering an important guy, but they're shoo-ed from the island pretty soon after. The reason I bring this up will become apparent in either the next chapter or the chapter after that. Whenever those come out... 

Okay, I Think I Understand Why Mat Pat Did It...
So chapter 13, Sans Undertale Kicks My Ass (new name pending, I promise) has like, 600 views? Which, to put into perspective, is on par with the first few chapters.

If you don't know how views on Wattpad work, the view count goes up each time someone opens the chapter. Which means that not every view is a person reading the chapter; so you'd expect the first few chapters have a lot more views than later chapters as people check out your story and either lose interest or realize it isn't what they're looking for.

Now, going back to chapter 13, not only did it have views on par with the first few chapters, but it had a hundred more views than the chapter before it, and roughly two hundred more views than my average views per chapter. And I have a sneaking suspicion that it's for the simple reason that I included mention of Sans Undertale in the title. 

Maybe... Maybe clickbait isn't as bad as I thought.

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