Chapter 1

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Damien POV

Shy, scared, whimp, crybaby, and a ton of other words. Those are what describe me. I stutter a lot and tend to shake violently while crying my eyes out until no more water comes out. I know I sound familiar. I sound just like that kid Jeremy that works at Freddy FazBear's Pizzaria.

He quit that job though.

He now works at Freddy FazBear Mall. The most scariest place I have ever heard of. I have a terrible fear of robots. Robotphobia as I like to call it. I have to earn a living because of my StepMom, Jackie. Ever since dad passed away, she has been drinking and smoking all the time.

She scares me. Her Sons, Dylan and Hunter, are my stepbrothers yet they flirt with me and they play with me in not a good way. It scares me and they laugh when I start to cry. I scream and whine and have tears down my cheeks. Jackie usually walks in about that time and slaps me to make me shut up. It works for ten minutes before I start crying.


She then dumps me into backyard to cry all I want. Then, when I stop, she puts me back in my room and locks the door. I snuck out the window and ran away. Crying all the way out of Salt Lake City and walking all the way to who knows where. I didn't know where I was headed and mostly didn't care for it. I just wanted to stay as far away as possible.

I ended up in Cybertron City, Cybertron. This place was the biggest City and State of North America. It was known for its huge population and its technology. I walk around the city, making myself smaller as I go on. Not a fan of giant crowds.

I, suddenly, hear a man scream help. Two boys, the same height and everything, had just stolen some things. Red and Yellow. Huh. Wonder what they stole. They head into an alleyway, laughing and smirking. I walk in the same small alleyway the twins did and cautiously tiptoed my way in.

I gulped as I walked passes two dumpsters and a dead dog. It looked like the dog was stabbed. If these guys could murder dogs, steal items and hide in alleyways, then they must be criminals.

I am too much in my thoughts to hear footsteps approaching me. From behind. I hear a can roll to my feet. It bumps into my sneaker and stops. I look down and immediately get scared.

"Hello?" I cry cowardly. I gulped when no answer has replied back.

"Maybe they went home. A cat probably hit the can on accident. Yeah that's it. No ones here and it is just good ol' imagination playing games with me." I said to myself. Suddenly, a flash of red appears in front of me. I sit on the ground and start crying. I open my eyes to see two boys staring at me. I cried even louder.

Sideswipe POV:

A child about fifteen or sixteen years old is right in front of my face and is crying. I think we scared him a bit to hard. Poor guy's even saying don't kill me three to four times in one sentence. I don't want him to cry anymore. It is just too sad to watch.

He seems to hear my footsteps approaching him and he cries even louder then before. My brother, Sunstreaker, seems to approach the poor guy as well. Kid hears him and cries even louder then when I approached him.

Sunstreaker and I give tender smiles as the kid rubs his eyes and rosy pink cheeks of the saltwater tears that flood his eyes. The tears stream down his cheeks like rivers on a mountain side. Sunny and I both kneel down to him and use our thumbs to wipe off the tears that flood his face.

The guy looks up at us with big baby blue eyes and tears still swelling up in them. He whimpered in fear. And I can't blame him. We are the Twin Terrors. Stealers, Pillagers, fire starters, killers, etc. We are the most dangerous people in the world.

"Shh. It's all right, little one. We won't hurt you." I heard Sunny say. The kid stops crying, but tears were still in his eyes. He looked like he was going to cry some more but Sunstreaker carefully picked him up and held him tight and close.

The kid had his hands gripped on Sunny's Shoulders and his face in Sunny's chest.

"Hey Kid, what's your name?" I asked.

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