Chapter 3

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Damien POV

We walked around the city. People scattered everywhere, like rats. It was like that scene in Ratatouille were the rats run away when the humans enter the kitchen and head in different Directions. That's what it was like. I didn't understand because all they did was steal a couple computers, right? The twins jumped into window, but stayed hidden and on the wooden roof beam. Quietly, we listened as a conversation of the twins that started up.

"Where are the twins? They should have been here by now." One girl said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, Diamond. Think they got caught?" Another one replied.

"Guys, don't think that! The twins are more smart then anyone of us is. They know how to get away. If anyone of us murdered or stole something, we would have been caught five minutes after the crime." A male answered.

"Yeah, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker may look not so smart, but when it comes to any kind of crime they cause, escape is as simple as 1, 2, 3. They are amazing, especially to be doing crime like this for 14 years and managing not to be caught." Another Male agreed.

"Yes, they are amazing. Not getting caught is like trying to forge your handwriting or identity. But what if the police manage to trick them somehow and they got caught. It wouldn't be the same without them. " Another male in blue sighed. Sideswipe smirked and turned around. He used his legs to keep him held up on the beam. Sides fell backwards and in front of the boy's face.

"Miss me Blue? Good to know you love me. I love you, too, buddy. So what did we miss?" Sides smirked. The one he calls Blue blushed a deep crimson red. Sideswipe smirked and then uses his legs to push of the beam. He does several flips before landing on his hands and feet, like how a cat would land. Sides stood up and stretches.

"Ahh. I feel great. Just like when Sunny and I stole those cute little Cyber Book Computers." Sideswipe sighed. Sunstreaker jumped down from his spot on the beam and also landed on all fours. He stands up on his two feet and cross his arms over his chest. I watch and don't know what I should be doing Either trying to do the same thing they did and fall on my face or just stay up here, away from people I don't know. I like the second option better.

"Sides, did you just say you two stole few Cyber Book Computers?" A girl asked.

"Uh, duh. Yeah, man! And it was fun. I--!" He was cut off by the girl shushing him with her pointer finger on his mouth.

"Not another word! I specifically told you guys not to do that no more." She said, sounding displeased.

"Aww, come on, mom. You know it's in my flesh and blood, Chris. I gotta do that. It's my thing. Be--!" He was, again, cut off by Sunny.

"Ahem." He said, low and dark-like.

"Oh, right. It's our thing. Been doing it since I, we, were five, dudette. We're used to it by now." Sideswipe whined, playfully. He even had that troublemaker smile on his face Sunny told me about. The one he calls Chris looked like she was about blow up.

"I am not your mom, Sideswipe Harrison! You even know that I've told you a hundred times not to call me that. If the police find you, not counting Prowl, they have to shoot you on sight. Blue is right when he said it wouldn't be the same with you guys here. It'd be...different." The female Chris sighed.

"Aww, Blue will miss me. If we die or get caught, then I will miss you too, Blue. I know Sunny will miss Tracks." Sideswipe said happier than before.

"Yeah! You, Sideswipe are our fun and relaxation. Sunstreaker is our strong and brave encyclopedia and Optimus Prime's most trusted Spies are you two. We need you guys." Another female said.

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