Chapter 4

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Sunstreaker POV

I decided not to let Sideswipe hog our entire story on Elementals so I had to speak.

"Sometimes," I started off, voice low and dark. "Some regular Cybertronian women will have Elemental Children but they won't know it. Until after the child is born. Then, they order the baby dead. A simple lethal injection is all that is needed. We were born before Zeta became the damned leader of this hidden continent. Maximal Prime never did anything wrong. He always made right choices and was friendly to everyone. He was our friend, I guess that's what you call someone you know. Once, Zeta Prime became leader after he killed Maximal, it was like everyone was forced into a natural life with no exceptions. You either follow the rules or die trying. That's how life goes now. Elementals are different. Us Elementals have many different classes. Sky, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Life, and Darkness. My classes are Sky, Earth, and Air. Sideswipe has more than I do. Since he is Fire, his classes are Fire, Sky, Earth, and Air. We both can register in the Sky, Earth, and Air classes. But I cannot register in the Fire class because I don't make Fire happen, nor do I eat fire for energy."

Sideswipe smirked. Stupid Goddamn smirk.

"Yeah, bro is right about that." He said. I looked at him and shrugged.

"But y-you guys, h-how are you t-twins if y-you are two d-different c-classes? S-Shouldn't y-you look d-different, t-too?" Sideswipe smiled at him. I gave him tender eyes.

"Born with the same mother and father and have the same genes? Dude, we've been twins since day one. We may have been elementals but we had to wait until our abilities came in. That was age, uh, four, I think. So even though we were elementals, we, nobody, actually knew that until age four. By that time we were living in the alleyways anyways." Sideswipe said, smile fading.

"Wh-what w-was it like? To l-live in t-the a-alleyways?" Damien asked. My frown got worse and my golden catlike eye glowed. Sideswipe's Crimson catlike eyes glowed as well. His smile turned into a full-fledged frown now.

"We were treated like animals. We killed and stole things like the computers today. We hated being treated like wild dogs but when your eyes are catlike and you walk/run on four legs, you guess why they treat you like that. They tried using nets and tranquilizers to catch us. They never worked. That's how bad the animal thing was. There was this one murder to where we killed five innocent friends, three guys, two girls. We tore out each of their sides, leaving them to bleed to death. We didn't wear shirts or shoes so lots of blood always landed on us easily." Damien got nervous.

"Don't worry. We don't do that no more. We won't kill you. You know, if it weren't for Optimus and his gang we would be dead by now. Or still killing." Sideswipe said.

"Yeah. I guess you could say that we owe him one." I said, putting on a shirt.

Sideswipe's POV

I watched my brother put on a shirt. I sat down down on the floor. I could feel my brother's one golden catlike eye stare me down.

/Sorry its so short but it just is. Deal with it./

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