Chapter 8

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I woke up. 

Not the way I usually used to. 

I woke up with a loud cracking sound. 

It caught me off guard when I found myself lying on a shell like bed. 

Blue shades were all over the heaven like room. 

"You are finally awake My Lord. "

A soft stern voice. 

I looked down. 

Millions of human like livingbeings.

For some reason it didn't surprised me. It felt so normal to me as if I were used to it. 

"Confused? "

Said the same old lady. 

"I guess your grandmother has already told you not enough but much about who you are. "

I nodded. 

"Well we are your people. You are our Lord. We are made by you. You built, designed us. You are our saviour. You cried out of pain without knowing you were giving someone a new life. "

I shivered... 

"You are The Blue Girl. The demon is behind you and will try to kill you. You are the only one who can save this world by destroying them and they are the only one who can destroy this world by killing you, us. "

The other one started. An old man. 

"Your parents killed themselves because they knew if they survive they will be wooed with magic and then will be asked to spit out the truth. "

She spoke again. 

"You are the only one who can save us from Muzan"

The Butterflies. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon