Chapter 14

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I looked at her. 

My eyes were all blank. 

Still she read them. 

Just the way she used to when we were small. 

I sent everyone out. 

I knew the things won't go in our way. 

But I wanted it to. 

I will keep our promise Heath. 

I don't want to end what we left. 

The war started.... 

She picked up the sword. 

Her hands that always were there to help me, love me are no showing no mercy. 

The emotions, love, trust in between us was just as deep as black hole. 

The promises we made were just as beautiful as the moon. 

The love in between us back then was full of twinkling stars now all it contains is the sorrow. 

We never in our life imagined us ending like this, we were just kids though.... 

It broke us into pieces. 

I had to talk.... 

It couldn't end like this... 

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