Chapter 22

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"Running at night?"

The man asked. 

"No actually I were here to get a photo. "

I said while showing off my camera. 

"Filming at night? "

"Not really actually I were running after a butterfly. "

It took me 15 fine minutes to explain everything cause that is how it goes when you are sacred and someone starts asking you the reasons. 

"What is your name? "

"Heather, what about you ? "

" Muzan"

And that is how it went. I introduced myself to a stranger. 

"Oh hun you back? We were just about to call cops you know! "

My mom said with a tone that indeed was full of worry. 

"I am fine I just lost my way. "

I said while throwing myself onto the couch. 

"Silly you made my mom worry. "

My brother shouted while having his meal. 

"Mom I will sleep now. "

With that I went to my room. 

The stranger left me till the gate. 

I forgot to invite him in my pure ass home. 

His green eyes were not scary. But, they were pretty. Pretty enough to pity on me. 

I ain't a weak ass. But, everyone has a fear a phobia and mine is water, waterbodies. 

I am just sacred of them. 

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