Chapter 26

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I were walking. 

Going to my cousin's birthday party. 

I ain't at all party person but, okay it ain't about always. 

All I could think about was that incident. 

That night, that butterfly, that road and those green eyes. 

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice saying.... 

"I've got the strangest feeling,this isn't our first time around"

I ain't at all into bumping around but, unfortunately I did.

Our shoulders collided and my gift fell off. 

That man bent down. 

He picked up my stuff when I noticed those green eyes. 

"Heather? "

I nodded. 

The same boy. 

The green eyes, the not so perfect smile, the blond hairs and that gentel voice. 

"You here? "

What a question? It is a street though not a private ground? 

I looked weirdly, that is all I could do 

"Oh wrong question. I mean do you have a habbit to collide around?"

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