Chapter 39

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The journey started again.... 

"Let's go in. "

"What if there's a ditch behind it? "

"Then trust me, I will save you. "

She said while holding his hand tightly. 

"I will take you with me. "

He said while taking his first step. 

"Hey we won't die, slow down. "

"I don't want it to be too late. "

She looked at him with the same emotion that he was trying to fight off. 

They started their walk again... 

They walked right towards the front door. 

When their locket started to shine again. 

The brightness was bright enough to make their view, hidden things visible. 

The very moment the looked forward again everything vanished. 

The only thing present there was a big tree, with no leaves but just few branches and bats hanging over it. 

"It helped. "

She said. 

"Maybe it will also show us the way. "

He commented. 

And they walked further. 

"What's that? "

He said while looking towards a blood coloured light. 

"Maybe another trap? "

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