Draco Malfoy

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After meeting up with Ginny, who I shared a room with since the Gryffindor Dorms were currently all locked down, I went back to my dorm.

It is not yet known why the Gryffindor Dorms were all blocked. Apparently there's someone there who shouldn't be there. "Hogwarts is the safest place on earth," I quietly mimicked our headmaster, Dumbledor.

I don't think there is as many dangerous things happening anywhere else as at Hogwarts, the safest place on earth. 

I went back to my room, lost in my thoughts. But only after I pushed down the door handle did I notice a kind of shadow at the end of the hallway.

"Hello?" I asked uncertainly. The person quickly disappeared around the corner. Because I felt uncomfortable, I didn't actually want to go there. But I still had to know who was hiding there. To be on the safe side, I clamped my keys between my index and middle fingers so that if I had to defend myself, at least I had something. With my other hand I reach for my wand. Maybe seconds had passed since the person disappeared and I cautiously peeked around the corner.
A figure ran away at lightning speed. From me? "Hello," this time my voice didn't sound uncertain, but rather firm and confident. When the person still wouldn't turn around, I started running. Apparently he, I think it's a boy, didn't expect me to start running and turned to me in surprise.
I didn't expect him to stop running so suddenly and turn around, so I slammed right into him. Shit.
Since my key was still stuck between my fingers, I hit his forearm with it. Draco Malfoy's forearm.

"Fuck," he hissed. The key was pretty deep in his arm. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought you were-" I started, but he interrupted me. "You thought I was what?" Without answering him, I pull him into my dorm by his bleeding arm.

In my room he sat on my bed as a matter of course. Without saying a word, I went into the bathroom and found a bandage. I had a small "first aid" kit there that every room had. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked. He didn't answer. "Draco, what are you doing here?" I asked again. He just looked at me and didn't answer me. I sighed quietly. I pulled the key out of his arm and he made a pained noise. "It's okay," I tried to reassure him. He was still looking at me. I realized he had small tears in the corners of his eyes, it was worse than I thought, so I took his hand as I carefully wiped away the blood on his arm and wrapped the bandage around his arm.

Even though we usually just insist, annoy and sometimes insult each other, this time he didn't pull his hand away and I squeezed it lightly when I was finished. He wiped away his few tears and went to the bathroom. I don't think the bandage will last long, so I pack him a small bag with bandages, band-aids and tape so he can fix his arm himself if he needs to.

As the bathroom door opens, I hear a quiet "Thank you" from his direction. I nodded slightly. It was only 5 p.m., but it was getting dark outside. After I gave him the bag I wanted to ask him something else. "Draco," I said. He turned around and looked at me. "What did you actually want here?" I asked. He just looked at me for a few seconds. I couldn't read anything from his ice-cold expression. He took a breath and seemed to want to say something, but then his mouth closed again and he walked out. "Hey, I asked you something!" I shouted indignantly. "DRACO!" He turned around and looked at me so intensely with his ice-gray eyes that goosebumps appeared on my body, then he turned back and left.

I gasped and could only look after him in confusion before he finally disappeared from my field of vision. "Draco Malfoy," I whispered quietly, for no reason at all. Maybe I just wanted to let his name melt on my lips. Draco Malfoy...

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I sat in the bathroom, on the lid of the toilet, staring into nothingness. The scissors I had used to cut his bandage almost an hour ago were still in my hand. I felt guilty because I could have seriously hurt him, or even had.

I once had a similar situation with him when he bruised his elbow in a Quidditch game and I was the only one nearby who could do something. could help him. Sometimes I thought back to that time. Four years ago in my first year at Hogwarts. At that time, me, Harry and Ron had already gotten along very well, and even though we visited different houses - they went to Gryffindor and I went to Slytherin - we became a trio that could never be seen apart.  When Ginny was also assigned to Gryffindor a year later, I felt a little betrayed. All my friends there and me here, alone, the mistake among mistakes.
Here in Slytherin I hardly had any friends. None at all, I got along reasonably well with Pansy on occasion.

Even though I'm lonely sometimes, I feel comfortable here. At Hogwarts, not Slytherin. Slytherin feels like a prison to me, a prison that I couldn't escape.

There was a knock. "Hello?" I asked tiredly. For some reason I was hoping it was Draco knocking. "Hi," Ginny said. I went out of the bathroom and opened the room door. She entered the room, a little out of breath. "Hi," she said again. I replied, "Hello," as she placed her things on her bed. At first, when she entered the room, I had the urge to tell her everything. The thing with Draco, how he showed up here for no reason at all, ran away from me and I hurt him, but something inside me seemed to stop me. Icv had already opened his mouth to say everything, but then she started talking. She talked about her day at school and I let her talk, drifted off and stopped listening. No, the story with Draco Malfoy would remain my little secret.


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That was a long chapter
1084 Words 😱
Love youuuu💕

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