Suffer with me

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Harry's POV:
I don't know if my actions were right. They weren't fair. Even though Hemione had told me before that she loved Malfoy, I didn't want to accept it. I always thought there was something between us. A connection? But it was exactly this connection that she and Malfoy had. He didn't deserve her at  least, but would I deserve her more? Twice now I had injured her so badly that she passed out, and both times I hadn't even asked if she was okay. Obviously not.

Draco's POV:

I've been sitting here, next to Hermione, for a while and don't know what to do. My reason tells me I should take her to the infirmary, but something in my heart worries about her too much. She is so vulnerable. Fragile as a Christmas tree ball, but so strong. How she threw herself without a doubt between me and Potter when he wanted to hurt me. How she immediately took care of me when I was injured and helped me treat the wound. All of this goes through my head as I look at her. A sleeping beauty.
Actually, none of this was allowed to happen at all. I would never be allowed to sit here, never be allowed to talk to her. It would be a disappointment for my family. A Malfoy and a Mudblood? Something like that is out of the question! But as wrong as it may be, it has never felt more right.

I heard Hermione gasp. Worried - no, almost panicked - I lean over her. A bruise had formed around her left eye and her eyebrow was still bleeding a little. "Hermione," I whispered. She opened her eyes suddenly, but when she recognized me, her facial features relaxed again.

"Hermione" Why did I wake her up? "Draco," she whispered, relieved when she saw me. I knew immediately that she wouldn't stay awake long. "Draco," she whispered again. I couldn't look at this any longer. Every second she felt pain, my insides hurt like never before. I leaned down and kissed her.

We closed our eyes, enjoying the moment, but couldn't hold on to it for long. A pained moan escaped her mouth and I immediately pulled away. How much I loved her. No one was ever allowed to do that to her again, neither Harry or anyone else. "Hermione look at me," I said. She opened her eyes, her delicate face contorted in pain. "As long as you are near me from now on, by my side, no one can do anything like that to you anymore. I love you and I can't watch you suffer. With every twitch, every groan and every oh-so-small injury, I suffer with You. I'm yours, and you, you're mine alone." I saw a tender smile form on her face before she closed her eyes again and passed out

Hermione's POV:
The first thing I saw, was Draco Malfoy leaning over me. Draco Malfoy... Something in my head remembered his name. A nice memory, a nice feeling, but what was it? Love? My head, trying so hard to think, hurt beyond words. "Hermione", I heard him whisper. Draco. "Draco", I croaked, trying to open my eyes somewhat. They were heavy and wouldn't stay up long. I saw something in his eyes that touched me deeply. Warmth and love, but above all compassion and pain.
However, I couldn't see this mixture of feelings for long because he closed his eyes and kissed me. I don't know if I'm the first person he kisses, but he acts like I'm as fragile as porcelain.
I guess I was that. A flash of pain shot across my forehead and I  made a painful noise. Draco quickly broke away from me again. His eyes were so filled with worry that I was worried he was going to start crying. My eyes became too heavy, I just had to close them. "Hermione look at me", he said. His voice was firm and determined. I looked at him. I looked into his beautiful, warm eyes, which began to sparkle every time he looked at me. "As long as you're near me from now on," he said. "By my side, no one can do something like that to you again. I love you and I can't see you suffering." He stroked my cheek. "With every twitch every major an every oh-so-small injury, I suffer with you," I heard him say. "I'm yours and you're mine, mine alone," he said. I wanted to answer, tell him how much I loved him, but I couldn't. The only thing I could manage was a little smile, then everything disappeared. My last thought was, if Harry wanted to make me suffer like that

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We made 20 readers, and I am thankful for every single one! That chapter had 860 words
Love you all 💕💕

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