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The first thing I heard was a rustling above me. Then a knock, a little further away. Someone who had probably been sitting next to me got up and opened the door. "What have you done!" I heard Draco shout angrily. "The right thing", said Harry. "Then what are you doing here, Potter?" asked Draco, still agitated. "I'll get Hermione, you don't deserve her" I felt two hands lift me up. My head hurt like hell as I was put into a semi-sitting position. I didn't want to open my eyes and made a pained noise. "Let her go", Draco shouted. "Draco", I whispered, it seemed worse than I thought. When I finally opened my eyes I saw Draco tearing Harry away from me. "

When Harry and Draco wanted to fight each other again, I stood up and my vision went black again. I shook myself slightly and looked over at the two people arguing. "Harry, you don't understand!" Draco shouted. "You won't be allowed to have her anyway!" Harry shouted. Draco reached out to hit him. With a scream, Harry dodged and Draco missed. It seemed as if Harry took something out of his pocket in one quick movement. A weapon? This couldn't happen! I quickly ran between the two of them to protect Draco from Harry and received a hard fist in my eye. He didn't have a weapon in his hand, just raised it to hit Draco. I saw blood pouring out of my busted eyebrow and pulled Draco down to me, who carried me onto the bed and threw Harry screaming out of the room. I saw Draco leaning over me. It seemed like he was panicking. "Draco," I said. "Draco look at me" He looked at me, tears had formed in his eyes. "It's my fault", he said. "No, no, no," I said softly and he gave me a tissue to wipe away my blood. "Draco, it's not your fault, Harry did it." "You're hurt, you've been before, and you're still protecting me with everything you have?" "Draco, I love you, that's why" "I hurt, insulted and humiliated you before and you still love me?" "I will always love you, no matter what you do," I said softly and he wiped away my tears and blood with his cold hands. "Hermione," he said. "I may have never proven it or shown it clearly, but you and I... I think we belong together, I'm hopelessly in love with you." Even though I was hurt, I understood every word and literally absorbed it. "Hermione?" he asked. I looked into his eyes; he was leaning over me and looking at me. In his eyes I saw concern, bitterness and something else. Love? "Hermione, do you want me to be your boyfriend? Your boyfriend, not just any friend." I didn't think twice. "Yes", I whispered. But before I could say anything else, my vision went black and it became difficult for me to breathe. The last thing I saw was him leaning over me in a panic and shouting "Fuck!". Then everything went black, even his beautiful sparkling eyes.

That was a very short chapter! Only 559 Words 😱😱
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