Hermione Granger

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Draco's POV (🤭):

I saw Hermione walking down the hallway and followed her. Her beautiful hair, straightened today, bounced in time with her steps. She was looking at the floor, apparently lost in thought, as she seemed to feel my gaze on her. I quickly moved towards the other aisle and wanted to disappear around the corner, but I was too slow. "Hello?" she asked anxiously. I didn't want her to know I was here, so I started running.

I heard her key jingle softly and something rustled. I slowly reduced my pace and at the same time wanted to keep running, but something stopped me, so I walked and tried not to turn around. "Hello?" This time she no longer sounded afraid, but strong and confident. I had to control myself very much not to turn around because she seemed to be able to see me from behind. She had probably walked around the corner and wanted to follow me. I heard quick footsteps walking towards me, didn't expect her to run, and turned around. She probably didn't think I would stop walking and even turn around. Hermione tried to brake, but was too slow. So she slammed right into me.

I felt a sharp pain and something warm and sticky running down my arm. Blood? "Fuck," I whispered. I looked at her with pressed lips; the key that she had probably been holding in her hand was stuck pretty deep in my arm. "Oh I'm so sorry," she said and I still looked at her. "I thought you were-" Before she could finish, I interrupted her. "You thought I was what?" Without answering me, she took my unwounded arm and pulled me to her dorm.

Her hand, holding my wrist tightly, was warm and soft. When we got to her dorm, I sat down on her bed and noticed that the key was still deep in my forearm. It hurt like hell. Meanwhile, Hermione disappeared into her bathroom and came back with bandages and a small suitcase. "Why were you here anyway?" she asked. I looked into her eyes, pretending not to answer that question, even though I had no answer at all. "Draco," she said. "What were you doing here?" she asked. What have I done here? When I decided not to answer her and she noticed, she sighed softly. She sat next to me and took my wounded arm. Hermione pulled lightly on the end of the key and my entire arm twitched. Light tears appeared in the corners of my eyes, it hurt so damn much. I looked at her, her eyes fixed on the key that she was about to pull out. With a jerk she pulled it out firmly. The blood now flowed almost unhindered down my arm. It hurt a lot, she noticed, so she took my hand.

When the bandage was firmly wrapped around my arm, I wiped away the few tears in the corner of my eyes and went to the bathroom. I didn't want her to see me cry. I washed my face and my blood-stained hands. Meanwhile, I heard something rustling in her room and I sat down on the toilet seat. Hermione Granger wasn't supposed to be here at all. Here in Slytherin. I think she could have been a good Gryffindor or Racvenclaw. In any case, I had developed feelings towards her over the first year, but didn't want to admit it to myself. A Mudblood. A disappointment. In order not to admit to myself that I liked her, I started constantly nagging her, teasing her, and our relationship got worse and worse, even though it had never been good. But if I'm honest with myself, I think she's the most beautiful person on earth. Of course I won't tell anyone, especially not her.

I sat up and opened the bathroom door. When I looked at her I felt guilty. "Thank you," I said quietly. She nodded. She handed me a bag and I wondered what was in it. "Draco," she said, almost gently. I looked into her eyes, we were face to face. "What did you actually want here?" she asked. I continued to look into her eyes, trying to say something, trying to think of an answer, but my mind was blank. I opened my mouth and immediately closed it again. I don't know why I was here. I just walked out of her room without saying anything. "Draco, I asked you something!" she called, but I didn't turn around. "DRACO!" she shouted. I didn't want to turn around, but I had to. I looked into her beautiful brown eyes, maybe a little too long. Without saying anything, I turned around and ran away. I stopped in the next hallway. She couldn't see me here, so I opened the bag she gave me earlier. Inside were bandages, tape and plasters. "Hermione Granger," I whispered. I didn't know why, maybe I just wanted to let her name melt on my tongue. Hermione Granger...

I love it to write in Draco's POV!!! Do you have any thoughts to this story?? I think, they are soulmates 💕
868 wordsss
Love you guys 💕🤭

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