Chapter 52: What?!

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Everyone sits down on the sofa. Jihoon looks at SungK's hands, "Congratulations, hyungs"

They smile, "Thank you, Jihoon-ah"

Soonyoung looks at the twins, "Now, you said you were going to tell me something"

Yeji and Hyunjin look at each other. Hyunjin gestures to Yeji say, as they told her and not him.

Yeji explains everything that has happened in the past couple of months from who Bella is to what she has done to what their parents have said.

Soonyoung and Jihoon react to everything that Yeji said, Younghyun and Sungjin didn't know about Bella calling Seungmin scary due to his facial scars. They make a mental reminder to speak with Seungmin.

"Our parents said that to you?", Soonyoung asks, "They really said that to you then hinted at Hyunjin to be in a relationship that that she isn't a human being. I haven't even met her, and I can't fucking deal with her"

Jihoon then asks, "They expect you to be in a relationship with someone who has been verbally abusive towards your boyfriend and your friends, the person who was in coohoots with the person that physically hurt your boyfriend and your friends. Like are they delusional?"

"You would think it", Yeji then sighs, "Hyung, I gotta confess something"

"Yeah, what is it Yeji?"

"When mother and father suggested I settle down with someone and have kids, I practically threw you under the bus. I asked them to ask you as they have three kids, I want to apologise for throwing you under the bus"

"Hey, no its okay. You had no idea what my love life looked like as I wasn't here with youse or for youse. Now that I have graduated, I want to come home to my baby siblings - to my babies. What do you say?"

Soonyoung brought the twins up as their parents were too busy working.

"You're serious about coming home?"

"Yes, of course I am"

Yeji and Hyunjin get up, Jihoon quickly moves down the sofa, as he realised what they are going to do. They go over to Soonyoung and jump on them, "We want you to come home, hyungie"

When it comes to Soonyoung, its like the twins becomes kids again which they haven't been in such a long time. Now that Soonyoung has seen what has happened while they were gone, they regret leaving and made a decision of never leaving their siblings again.

Soonyoung wraps their arms around their younger siblings, "I should've never left you two, I'm never leaving again"

The twins look at them, and Hyunjin says, "Hyung, don't say that. Yes, you leaving hurt - it really hurt us but you needed to get out. If you stayed, you would have never been yourself and I'm guessing you and Jihoon hyung wouldn't have been together if you stayed here"

Soonyoung looks at Jihoon, who smiles at them, "Okay, but I'm staying here. I've graduated, Jihoon love, what do you think?"

Jihoon thinks for a second then shrugs, "I mean, Chan has 4 months left, but he has his graduation in June, but I'm sure everyone would be happy to be home again"

Soonyoung nods, "Alright, so summer I'll be fully home. I need to bring things back over here and all. So, I will be home, my babies okay?"

The twins nod.

Sungjin and Younghyun see the kids they met when Seungmin introduced them to them, they are happy because they don't really have that sibling relationship with them and they finally have their older sbiling back.

Anyway, Sungjin gets up and makes everyone lunch. Then Younghyun helps him dish it out. Everyone eats their lunch, then after 10 minutes, Jeongin drags Chris into his room for a make-out session before he has to go back to work.

Jeongin accidentally starts grinding on Chan, to which Chan holds his hips and holds him still. Chan grunts, "Baby, don't do that I'll be late"

"Sorry", Jeongin pants, "Didn't mean to do that, I just want to makeout with you nothing more. I'm not mentally ready for that"

"That's perfectly ok, baby", Chan kisses Jeongin's cheek then his lips. They take it slower than before then Chan has to leave for work again.

They leave Jeongin's room, Chan kisses the top of Jeongin's head. Chan goes to the front door and Jeongin goes to the sofa.

Chan says goodbye to everyone as he slips his shoes on then leaves.

Soonyoung looks at Jeongin, "So when did you start dating him?"

"We started talking in spring two years ago then started dating that summer"

"Oh, good for you kid. What does he do?"

Jeongin doesn't answer so Soonyoung questions, "Jeongin, what's wrong? Is his job considered immoral or something? That's fine if it is immoral"

Jeongin looks at the twins, who have a look on their faces that say You're on your own, dude.

Jeongin takes a deep breath, and says, "He is um...". He feels a blanket under his fingers and grabs it, "He's my English teacher"

He hides under the blanket. As he does that, Soonyoung and Jihoon process the words and both shout, "Your English teacher?!"

Hyunjin laughs, "That's not even the best part is it, Jeongin?"

"There's more?!"

Jeongin comes out from under the blanket and looks at Hyunjin, "You are evil. I'm not speaking to you"

Hyunjin laughs then says to Soonyoung and Jihoon, "Ask them what's the best part?"

Soonyoung is gobsmacked so Jihoon asks, "Jeongin, buddy, what's the best part?"

Jeongin looks at Younghyun and Sungjin for some help. Younghyun shrugs, "I don't know how to help, Jeongin. You just gotta tell them"

Jeongin closes hid eyes and takes a deep breath, he opens his eyes then looks at Soonhoon, "He is also my headmaster"

"Say that again, I don't think I heard you properly. I heard Headmaster", Jihoon says and Soonyoung nods at his sentence.

"That's what I said. Channie hyung is my Headmaster and English Teacher"

"Ok, ok. I just have one question"

Jeongin nods.

"What the fuck are you thinking? Your Headmaster?"

"Well, to be honest I didn't know he was our Headmaster nor my English teacher until after we started dating. And he didn't even know I went to his College"

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