Entry 1: Oh my soul

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Oh my soul
Oh the kind of rebirth that i have to undergo
It is you whom i wish to protect the most
Because only you have experienced the constant process of dying in bold
But somehow you never hesistate to still have hope
And still today you say to me that you await tomorrow
For giving up should not be a part of your goal
Regardless of the countless number of times that i had to watch you comatose
Somehow you still believe that if there's life, there's hope
So still yet again i should await tomorrow
Oh my soul
Oh the constant rebirth that i undergo
I wish you all the best in bold
For you're the only thing that i can call my own
So never give up until we're old
And Never give up until we can laugh in bold
Never give up until we're able to achieve all of our goals
Oh my soul
Oh the kind of rebirth that i have to watch you undergo

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