Entry 3: Grief (Oh i once lived)

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What language does the star mourn?
What language does your soul bleed....
at the time of grief?
What is even this feeling of grief?
If not a language that's known to all
Or Isn't it a fact or is it not that your heart bleeds?
Are you aware that that's the exact language that your soul speaks?
Along with the stars that clamour in the sky
.....For relief
They had no choice but to leave
Only to watch as life went on without them
Their purpose reduced to nothing than to make the sky sparkle
Their dreams, goals and needs reduced to nothing but a memory in which they're forced to relive
Now Looking out and looking down at the babes and the kids
They sadly speak....
oh i was once young
oh i was once young
Looking down at the adventurous kids and teens they smiled as the nostalgia hits
They try to clutch unto a organ that no longer exists
Making them let out a sad smile at the realization
that they no longer had a heart that bleeds
They wonder, they wonder how they are able to bleed from an organ that no longer exists
That's when the realization finally hits and answers to their confusion
Oh i once lived...
Oh i once lived...

A/n: hello hopefully everyone is doing alright?....so for this poem i made a spoken people video which is linked below, do enjoy and have a wonderful day, all the love and thank you for giving my poems and The Muse in a chance, it truly means alot to me🤗💕

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