Entry 6- Survivors Guilt

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My heart bleeds
At the sight of you being gone
I struggle with the feeling of guilt
That i get another chance to breathe
While all of those chances of yours seems to be gone
Some call this survivors guilt
While i struggle to tell apart what it is from what it is not
At the sight of this i just want to scream
But instead i choose to bite on my tongue
Because it doesn't matter if i scream or i do not
Or maybe that's just what i tell myself
So that it wouldn't be something that i become
A scream...a yell...a wail...a cry...an emotion...i cry... tumbling to the ground?....BUT I RISE...
because the reality remains that you've gone, you've gone to a place that I've never been to before
to a place that i wish to call nevermore...

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