Entry 5: Becoming...

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Sometimes the hardest thing for me to do
Is to allow myself to be engulfed by the weight in which i carry
A truck load or two
A waiting eruption or clue
I have no interest as to what it shall reveal
I just want the experience to be done and over with
So i scream ...
Well not outloud
But I scream
Just inside of my head
I scream
And Scream
And scream
Simply for help
I scream
To make these rotten emotions make sense
I'll scream right until the end
But eventually I'll fall asleep
Hoping that the next time i wake up
I'll be able to function like i used to or i did before
Perhaps without the screams at all
I'll practice to embrace the silence to come
I'll be ready to ignore the beast i had become
only a few minutes before
Remaining as calm as the ocean floor
Perhaps this is exactly who i want to become and nothing more

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