Silver Spoon x Candle

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--------Not so Royal now huh?--------

Regressor: Silver Spoon
Cg: Clandle


Silver walked up to Candle and gave her a hug,
He was regressing but he couldn't just tell anyone that, that would completely ruin his reputation!

"What's this Silver?" Candle asked, it was very cute of Silver to do but she had no clue what was going on, Silver however said nothing and continued to hug Candle.

Candle laughed a bit, "Okay, keep your secrets I suppose." She replied calmly, getting a childish giggle out from Silver, but Candle decided not to push it. "I wove 'ou Candy..." Silver said, followed by a yawn, "Hm? Are you tired?" She asked, Silver replying with a yawn,

Silver and Candle cuddled until Silver fell asleep.

I know this is kinda mediocre but I think that's just a bit okay for a first non requested chapter,

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