Bone X Oodle

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--------A good title----------------------


CG: Oodle

It was a day like all of the others, despite the fact that everyone liked Bone now, no one really came to check up on him, so he was coloring something while he regressed. The thing he likes most about being regressed though is that red didn't bother him, so he got to color cute drawings. Bone was drawing a cute little picture of him and Oodle, he just thought Oodle looked so cute! "Hey Bone, just came to check up on ya! Whatcha dra- Ooo! Is that fanart?" Oodle exclaimed. Bone had this strange- confused, terrified, look on his face. "This looks... So good! Can I keep it?" Oodle asked, wide eyed, "Mhm!" Bone replied as he handed Oodle the drawing, "Wanna come with me Bone?" He asked, Bone thought about it for a few seconds before grabbing Oodles hands and replying with a squeak of approval which Oodle giggled at. The 2 went to Oodles house thing (idk -_-) and Oodle went to his fridge, placing the picture on with a magnent. Oodle opened up the fridge to reveal nothing but sodas and some milk. "You want anything Bone?" He asked, "You... Gots any cereal?" He replied, "Of course!" Oodle got out some Bones favorite brand of cereal (SPRINGTASTIC) and poured a bowl for him, placing it down at a nearby table. Bone finished up the cereal and went over to sit next to Oodle, he was on his couch, drinking coffee, while watching 'The Price Is Right' sometimes letting out a few frustrated grumbles. Bone cuddled next to Oodle and Oodle blushed, a smile appearing on his face. Bone let out a yawn, "Sounds like someone's tired." Oodle said with a chuckle, Bone closed his eyes and cuddled in closer. Oodle turned off the TV and cuddled with Bone until he woke back up again.

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