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Wriothesely warms Neuvillette's cock as they brew tea to share.

CW: Smut



"The tea," cuts in Neuvillette, his voice a purr in Wriothesley's ear. "You haven't yet had a sip."

He rests his chin against the slope of Wriothesley's shoulder, face tilted just so that he can kiss his flushed skin if he wishes. Before them is a tea set neatly arranged on his desk. Two steaming cups of tea, a crisp black brew with steeped citrus, steam billowing in clouds from the expensive porcelain.

Neuvillette's fingers curl around a handle slowly and with an exaggerated flourish. He smooths a thumb around the rim, tracing gold leaf and intricately painted designs. Once, twice, and then a third time. Wriothesley stares, counting each movement, every drag of that thumb, grounding himself in—


Sweat beads on his brow and drips down his neck. His collar is damp. Neuvillette nuzzles the skin there, his fangs a tease as they drag over across it. And then they're gone as he turns his attention to the damned tea again.

"Are you so distracted?"

Wriothesley laughs, a sharp bark of a sound. And then he moans, hips shifting, because yes, he's fucking distracted. Neuvillette acts as if his cock isn't lodged deep in his ass; as if it isn't the perfect girth to stretch him deliciously wide, or the right length to feel perfectly fool.

He came for some tea and Neuvillette made it into a game. "Why don't you sit on my lap and we make up for lost time," he'd said as he kissed him sweetly and opened him up on those splendidly long fingers. And Wriothesley gave in as he often does, a slave to those sweeping touches, and the way that Neuvillette dresses himself down in their moments alone.

"I tease, of course," continues Neuvillette. He kisses the shell of his ear and Wriothesley feels the smile that curls his lips. Devilish. He shudders at the warm breath the puffs against his skin, smelling like citrus and honey of the tea. "I am well aware of your struggle. You smell—" He pauses, pressing his nose against Wriothesley's temple for a whiff and groans. But, he doesn't continue that train of thought. "I bought this tea for you," says Neuvillette instead. "It would be a pity for you to waste it."

"You've got to be kidding me." Wriothesley's voice cracks. Neuvillette pulls far enough back to watch his throat bob as he swallows. Fuck, this is both the best and the worst.

Tea time spent together turned into a booty call? Check. Especially if it's at the behest of Neuvillette. Wriothesley is usually the driving force of their more hands-on encounters, so any time that Neuvillette is the one to take the reins instead... well. Yes. Instant erection. Easy way into his trousers, or, in this case, his ass.

But. But—

Neuvillette leans forward and his cock shifts, easing through Wriothesley to settle just a little deeper. Wriothesley moans, letting out the sort of noise that isn't just embarrassing, it's wholly mortifying down to his bones. He wriggles, swiveling his hips to ease the pressure of Neuvillette's cock inside him. His own dick aches. It burns, desperate for more than just sitting there untouched. He needs to be bent over this desk and fucked.

"Neuvillette, please—"

"A cruel thing to snub my gift so easily." Neuvillette's hand slides down his side, teasing muscles through his shirt. It comes to a stop at his hip. His fingers curl tightly around the bone and stills him with a grip so strong that Wriothesley feels his joints creak.

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