This Shared Heartbeat

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Wriothesley trusts Neuvillette so much that he gives him permission to do as he wishes.

CW: Contains Smut.


There is an agreement in place, one that Neuvillette doesn't often indulge in.

Do as you want, when you want. I love it all the same—that's what Wriothesley told him. Such an allowance may seem like little to most but Wriothesley does not trust others; he sits facing the exit of the room, sleeps with one eye open, and constantly watches those around him with a hawk-eyed gaze.

Except around Neuvillette. The implicit trust that Wriothesley has in him almost means more than anything else. One can love another and still have distrust. But Wriothesley— "I trust you," he'd said then, those words searing themselves into Neuvillette's heart. "So do as you want, when you want."

Rarely does the need arise in such a way. Neuvillette most enjoys a partner who is awake and responsive. Tonight, though, a need claws through him, hot and heady. A rut must be on the horizon. Neuvillette thought he had more time until the next but perhaps having a willing partner has ruined the supposed schedule.

Neuvillette awoke with his veins boiling. His instincts call for him to take his mate, to satiate that visceral need. And Wriothesley—oh, he'd be so willing and pliant. Neuvillette plasters himself against his back, nose shoved against the top of his spine. Delectable. Delicious.

It is the preface to his cycle; the desperation that crawls through Neuvillette's being can still be reined in, leashed tightly. But, but—

He doesn't have to. Wriothesley's words are omnipresent in his thoughts. He thinks of how well Wriothesley takes him, of the way their hearts beat together when their passion consumes them.

"Wriothesely," says Neuvillette, testing the waters. Wriothesley doesn't stir. His skin is hot underneath Neuvillette's palm where it's pressed flat underneath his navel, claws tracing the lines of muscle there. Neuvillette shifts, face tipping up as his mouth rests near Wriothesley's ear. "Beloved, are you awake?"

Even as Neuvillette's claws drag over Wriothesley's skin, he does not wake, lax and plant as he dozes. Neuvillette is hard and aching—and not with just one cock, but two as his composure cracks. If he's already this deep during his pre-rut, how strong will his actual cycle be? His last rut—well. Wriothesley enjoyed himself, that is for sure.

Neuvillette whines softly as his instincts get the better of him, his hand coming to rest against the sharp just of Wriothesley's hip. He thumbs at the bone there. He should wake Wriothesley up. He'd love it, being called to in the wake of the night to tend to his dragon.

But there is the deliciousness thought of Wriothesley coming awake whilst speared on open instead.

Neuvillette pulls at Wriothesley's hips, canting them up just so. He slips his thumb between his cheeks, rubbing across Wriothesley's hole. Still loose and wet from their earlier love-making. Wriothesley smells like desire, even as he sleeps. So perfect, thinks Neuvillette as he sinks his thumb into that awaiting heat.

Wriothesley moves, loosing a soft sigh as his legs spread automatically. That's worse in a way, how he reacts so readily. Perfect for the taking. Neuvillette pulls at his rim, testing the give. He could... he should... Neuvillette's age-old instincts win out as he decides to give in.

He slicks his top-most cock with Hydro, palm twisting around the spade-shaped tip. He sinks in slowly and with care, soft, rolling motions as he fucks Wriothesley open on his length. Right to the root until his thighs are flush with Wriothesely's ass, his other cock nestled between his thighs.

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