A Reward for a Very Good Boy

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Neuvillette gives Wriothesley a very non-sexual reward because intimacy is real.


"Have you been a good boy for me today?"

Yes. He's tried, at least. There are few people that Wriothesley would willingly bow to but the way he bends at Neuvillette's general presence isn't just natural, he seeks it out. It is soothing. Neuvillette is kind with his words and touches. He cares so much about others, so when it comes to his partner...

Well, Wriothesley is never lacking when it comes to Neuvillette's affection.

Neuvillette hums softly as he pulls him close, settling Wriothesley across his lap. He smiles, just a subtle upturn of his lips. The skin around his eyes crinkles and oh, Wriothesley's entire being just melts at the sight. The little things, he thinks. It's always the little things that tug at his heart, like seeing Neuvillette so stripped down.

"I've been—"

"You did your work?"

"Yes." Droves of it. Paperwork for incoming inmates, outgoing releases, those being loaned out on work. The words blurred together but he managed, slapping his stamp of approval over a variety of things. Wriothseley does not pity the stack of files on Neuvillette's desk.

"And you ate something?"

It was only after Sigewinne reminded him that Wriothesley shoved a sandwich in his face but Neuvillette doesn't need to know that. "Mhm, yeah."

Neuvillette traces a thumb down his forearm, tracing scars and muscles. "And then you came to see me?"

It's Wriothesley's turn to crack a smile. "How could I not? I had some files to drop off and then Sedene told me you were on a break—"

"She did?" murmurs Neuvillette in a soft grumble.

"Hey, go easy on her." Wriothesley boops the tip of Neuvillette's nose. "And on yourself. You're allowed to enjoy a moment of respite."

"Which, no doubt, you wish for me to spend lavishing you with more praise," replies Neuvillette dryly. He has loosened up in their time together. Wriothesley loves it, loves that he's the one who gets to see this side of him, that he gets to crawl from the depths of Meropide just to witness this. What a treat. A treasure. Something so small but means the world.

"You were the one who asked if I've been good—which, the answer is yes."

Neuvillette snorts softly. They're close enough to kiss, just barely knocking noses. He grasps Wriothesley by the chin and thumbs over his bottom lip before dipping close and pressing their mouths together in a brief, fluttering kiss.

It isn't about being good; it's about taking time for themselves. Carving out moments to enjoy either alone or together. Self-care. Wriothesley is terrible at it, and Neuvillette is equally so. They've made a pact to do better in this regard.

Wriothesley has never had luxuries but here he knows pleasure, placated by Neuvillette's quiet praise and those short, sweeping kisses. Gentle intimacy. Neither too much nor too little; the sweet spot of just enough to keep those fires warm in his gut.

"A reward, then," says Neuvillette, cupping his cheek.

Wriothesley leans into it. "For?"

"Being good, of course. Isn't that our bargain?"

As a joke, perhaps. Wriothesley doesn't actually expect gifts of praise. Still, his eyes flash at the prospect. "Consider my interest piqued. What sorts of rewards does the Chief Justice dole out?" Easy to imagine, though Wriothesley is certain that his more sordid sentimentalities are not on Neuvillette's mind. Still, he'd take a kiss or two. Maybe a tiny grope against his ass. It's the little things.

"I know that look." Right. See? Neuvillette is amused but does nothing further. "And while I enjoy that look—"

"Thinking about the last time you bent me over your desk?"

Neuvillette clears his throat, a tinge of pink blotting his cheeks. "Oftentimes," he admits, his voice tipped low and dangerous. An eye for an eye. He knows how this game goes. Wriothesley gives him a sly grin in return. But the moment breaks as Neuvillette pulls a parcel from his desk drawer, gesturing to it.

Wriothesley blinks. "Oh, you meant a literal reward."

"It was meant as a gift but you know what they say about opportunities. Open it, please."

Curiosity tugs at him. Neuvillette isn't the type to give gifts, he barely understands how to romance another. And yet. Wriothesley tugs open the box to find a small bundle of loosely packed leaves.

"I consulted an old friend," says Neuvillette. "And I know that you prefer black tea but this oolong came as a suggestion. Silver Tips Imperial Tea. It is said that it's harvested only during nights of a full moon."

Pricey. Oh gods, this is the type of tea that costs more than a month's pay. And no, Wriothesley doesn't feel bad about accepting it. Neuvillette has the sort of wealth that most dream of. He just doesn't think about it. Or consciously use it. It sits in a bank account accruing interest. But for him... He went out of his way to seek out something of value, and not because he wanted to impress him, but because Wriothesley is worth it.

"This is—"

"Too much." A soft clicking of Neuvillette's tongue.

"No. Celestia, no. I just..." Wriothesley chuckles. "Just to what lengths did you go to source this?"

Neuvillette buries his face into Wriothesley's nape to hide his embarrassment. His breath is hot against his skin. Neuvillette nuzzles his neck and kisses it. "Far enough to be a mild hassle," he mutters. "As I said, I penned an old friend."

Wriothesley didn't know Neuvillette had old friends. He leans forward and inhales the rich scent of the leaves. Divine. Perfect. Something to be savored, preferably in very specific company.

"How much time do you have before you have to be back to work? Want to share a cup?"

Neuvillette pulls back and regards him. Ancient eyes—but warm. So full of affection "The quality of the water used will make a difference."

"Well, we're in luck then, aren't we? Help me put a kettle on."

Neuvillette didn't used to have a little hot plate in his office. Originally, it was just a ploy, an excuse for Wriothesley to pay him more visits in a less-than-business-like capacity. Neuvillette condenses the water in the air and dumps it into the kettle. And this time, as the water boils, they just lean into each other, soaking up the shared moments and all the intimacy that comes with it. 

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