23. 우주를 건너 (Across the Universe)

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This was Jeongguk's second time waking up next to Seokjin—except this time, they woke up on the living room couch. Half of Jeongguk's body was lying on top of Seokjin, the latter's arm was thrown around his waist, and their legs were tangled with each other's. The position was quite comfortable, in Jeongguk's opinion, which led him to dread having to get up. But he still did so because he had to go home soon—he made plans to go on a best friends day out with Jimin and Hoseok. They planned to go shopping, go out to eat at their favorite Tteokbokki stand at the market, and then go do karaoke (which Jeongguk always scores the most points in).

"Jinnie," Jeongguk called out quietly, voice groggy. His eyes were barely opened, and he felt as if his brain was functioning at only fifty percent. He wanted to sleep some more. "Hyungie, wake up," he called out once more. He brought his hand up to run his fingers through Seokjin's hair.

Seokjin eventually opened his eyes and cracked a small, tired smile. He closed his eyes once more for a brief moment, enjoying the blissful feeling of Jeongguk's finger in his hair. "Good morning, bunny," he whispered. He kissed Jeongguk's cheek. Jeongguk returned the sweet gesture and rested his head on Seokjin's chest.

"We have to get up, Hyungie," Jeongguk said. "I'm going out with Minie-hyung and Hobi-hyung, remember? You can sleep in some more, if you want. I can call a cab or walk, if you're still tired, it's no trouble," he explained, before tilting his head up to press a ticklish kiss to Seokjin's collarbone.

Seokjin shook his head. "No, I'll drive you home, baby. I don't mind. Let's get ready, then."

With that, they both got up from the couch, stretched their bodies, and then began to get ready.


Jeongguk, now dressed in one of Seokjin's hoodies and a pair of his jeans, was now walking through the mall—the one that he and Hoseok work at—with Jimin and Hoseok on either side of him.

"Where do you guys want to go first?" Jimin asked, voice cheerful and smile wide. He was bouncing along next to them with a pep in his step, as usual. He had his ears and tail out, so it was evident he was in a good mood, by the way his tail was swaying back and forth at a steady pace.

Jeongguk's brown ears occasionally bounced and flopped against his fluffy hair as he mimicked Jimin's energy with a similar smile on his face, and his tail occasionally wiggling around under the hem of his hoodie.

Hoseok watched them fondly, keeping up with their paces in a more relaxed manner. His ears and tail were concealed. His smile was just as bright as his two dongsaengs, though.

Hoseok looked up in thought. "Hm. How about the Magic Shop? I heard they just got a new shipment of items! We should check them out," he suggested.

Jeongguk and Jimin nodded in agreement, and the trio began to make their way towards the Magic Shop. Once they arrived, they all began to walk around, searching for anything that caught their eyes.


The trio were now at karaoke after roaming the streets and checking out food stalls and more, but they were now joined by Yoongi and Namjoon, who they ran into at the mall.

"What song should we choose first?" Yoongi asked as he scrolled through the options for them. He tapped on a song titled Across the Universe after the maknae requested to do it solo. The bunny hybrid jumped out of his seat and hopped up to the center of the room with his microphone in hand, high-fiving Yoongi along the way.

"I love this song," Jeongguk commented into the microphone as the instrumental began to play. He closed his eyes and began to sing the song flawlessly, letting himself flow with the music. His youthful, dulcet voice enveloped the room, captivating the others immediately.

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