Together We're Totally | Chapter 7 | Book 2 Ch 1

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     Arwen ran down the hill at a sprint, running from her family's house to the Burrow, only a kilometer away. This would have been a perfectly normal course of events, were she not doing this at around midnight.

     " Ara!"

     She grinned at the twins, before putting a finger to her lips in a 'shh' motion, before joining them and Ron next to their dad's car.

     " So, do you think you can drive it?" Fred asked.

     Arwen glanced into the car, nodding in the most professional way possible." I've seen my mums drive into Londo many times, I'm pretty sure just by watching them do that I at least mostly know how to drive."

     With a grin, she hopped into the front seat, closing the door behind her as the others rushed to get into their seats as well, George on the passenger side and Fred and Ron in the back.

     " Let's go."


     Harry had thought George and Arwen were already dating until Ron told him otherwise in their last week of their first year at Hogwarts after Harry had referred to Arwen as "one of the twin's girlfriends" and was quickly corrected.

    If that wasn't confusing enough to his eleven-year-old brain, then seeing Ron, George, Arwen, and Fred all staring at him through his bedroom window was more than enough to baffle him to no end.

     " Ron? Ron, how did you- What the-?"

     " All right, Harry?" George asked, leaning out the passenger window.

     " What's been going on?" Ron asked." Why haven't you been answering my letters? I've asked you to stay about twelve times, and then Dad came home and said you'd got an official warning for using magic in front of Muggles-"

     " It wasn't me!" Harry said defensively." And how did he know?"

     " He works for the Ministry. You know we're not supposed to do spells outside school-"

     " You should talk!"

     " Oh, this doesn't count," Ron said, referring to the car Harry was still trying to wrap his head around." We're only borrowing this. It's Dad's, we didn't enchant it. But doing magic in front of those Muggles you live with-"

     " I told you, I didn't - but it'll take too long to explain now - look, can you tell them at Hogwarts that the Dursleys have locked me up and won't let me come back, and obviously I can't magic myself out, because the Ministry'll think that's the second spell I've done in three days, so-"

     " Stop gibbering," Ron interrupted." We've come to take you home with us."

     " But you can't magic me out either-"

     " We don't need to. You forget who I've got with me."

     Arwen and the twins all grinned at him from their seats in the car.

     Fred tossed him a rope." Tie that around the bars."

     Harry did as he was asked, grumbling as he did so." If the Dursleys wake up, I'm dead."

     " Don't worry - and stand back."

     Harry backed up as far as he really could and listened as Arwen pressed the gas down as far as it would go before there was crack and the car sped forward with the bars that had been on his window dangling from it.

     Ron heaved them up into the back seat as Arwen drove back over to Harry's window.

     " Get in."

     " But all my Hogwarts stuff," Harry stuttered." My wand, my broomstick-"

     " Where is it?"

     " Locked in the cupboard under the stairs, and I can't get out of this room-"

     " No problem," George said casually." Out of the way, Harry."

     Arwen climbed over from the driver's seat and Harry watched as George blushed when she crossed over him before he and his twin followed her out of the car.

     The Hufflepuff crossed the room to Harry's door and without a second thought stuck the end of one of her braids into the lock, staring into space for a second, her eyes squinted in concentration, before there was a click and she opened the door quietly.

     " So-" George said, not looking away from Arwen as he talked." You grab anything you need from your room and hand it out to Ron."

     " Watch out for the bottom stair, it creaks," Harry warned.

     The fourth-years headed out the door as Harry turned away to start gathering his things before turning to Ron.

     " Are you sure Arwen and George aren't...?"

     " Bleh, not this again," Ron mimed covering his ears." No, no way. That is horrifying to think about."

     Harry nodded in understanding before beginning to hand over what he could from his room.

     The others got back soon after that, Arwen carrying his trunk just like when they had first met, George carrying his broomstick, and Fred accompanying them unburdened.

     " Ron?" Arwen called into the car." Could you turn the car so that we can put Harry's trunk into the boot?"

     Ron clambered into the driver's seat, doing as she said and allowing Arwen to ease the trunk into the back of the car.

     " Okay," George whispered after it was secure." Let's go."

    They began to climb into the car, Ron shifting into the back seat again, leaving Arwen to take the wheel - having to climb over George again who had gotten into the car when Ron was moving.

     Just as Harry was about to join them in the car, there was a screech from his dresser.


     Harry panicked at his uncle's yell." I've forgotten Hedwig!"

     He rushed across the room, grabbing Hedwig's cage and rushing to give it to Ron before clambering to get into the car just as Uncle Vernon entered the room and lunged at Harry, managing to grab him by the ankle as the three Weasleys grabbed onto him as well to tug him into the car.

     " Petunia! He's getting away! HE'S GETTING AWAY!"

     Arwen wrapped a braid around each of his arms and - once she was sure that she and the boys had a good grip on him, pressed down on the gas, allowing Harry to slip out of his uncle's grip and get pulled all the way into the back seat with Ron and Fred.

     " See you next summer!" Harry called to his relatives, sending the other occupants of the car into fits of laughter, he turned to Arwen." Can you let Hedwig out so she can fly behind us? She hasn't had a chance to stretch her wings for ages."

     A braid reached back and unlocked the cage, opening it afterward to let the owl free, before a second braid offered a small plastic bag to him.

     " Pretzel, Harry?"

     He took a small handful as Ron turned to look at him.

     " So - what's the story, Harry? What's been happening?"

     And so he explained his interaction with the house-elf that had eventually ended up with his warning and imprisonment.

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates recently. The holidays happened and then my brain kept procrastinating on writing for some stupid reason, but now we're onto the Chamber of Secrets - a book that I have at least a small handful of ideas for.

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful rest of your day!

- Alex

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