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Warning: there isn't a lot of  canon here

Well , look who's return lol , anyway did anyone miss me ?no that's okay, well English isn't my first language and sorry for any mistake lol and enjoy



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*After Christmas by one week*

The city had come to a chilly yet inviting morning ,as a delicate layer of snow adorned all the streets, rooftops and trees . The sun emerged triumphantly from behind a lot of wispy clouds , casting it's warm golden rays upon the urban landscape of Tokyo.

The buildings stood tall,their widows glistening with a thin layer of frost , reflecting the sun's rays like shimmering crystals . The cold air had transformed the city into a wonderful day of winter ,but let us focus on these students.

*Pov of takemichi*

Well, didn't think Christmas will go like that,but .. at least it's was fun , and here I'm going with Hinata to school at 7 am ,why do we have to start early and it's so cold I miss my bed , I miss my bed ,

*Pov of me*

no one talks as there's was a comfortable silence between the two of them , suddenly Hinata ask "did you know about the rumor going around school?" As she looks over takemichi with her hands behind her back,

Takemichi raised his eyebrows and respond "what rumor?" Hina was looking at him like a stranger as she said," you really don't know nothing huh, well there's a student who's our senpai  yazuha shiba that's her name,  she suffer some abuse , well that's everyone thinks it is ,cause everyday she comes with a bruise and her skin is blue!". takemichi was so shocked to know about this, his face was literally like this :0 .

"And I want you to help my friend takemichi"  Hinata explain as she throw her hand Infront of herself like she was about to fight "if you want to of-" Hina said but she was interrupt by takemichi   "alright at one condition I want a piercing .....a snake bites specially"   

Hinata looks confuse , surprise but asks "that's it !?"  takemichi nodded and said while smiling
"your friends are my friends hina",

Hinata started to have some tears in her eyes as she looks at him with admiration, then the two of them noticed their others friends waiting for them Infront of school ,the others notice them , takemichi took hinata hand and start running to them, as takemichi jumped a little to hug all of  them at the same time.

The group start to laugh between them, "we should go back to class"akkun told the others and they all agreed to meet at the roof when it's lunch time, the boys start running to their classes, while takemichi and  hinata are walking to her class.

''well see you on the roof takemichi" hinata exclaims as she enters her class, while takemichi just nodded with a small smile,as he puts his  two hands in his pants pockets and went to his math class.

*After a while*

Takemichi was sitting by the window like a main character, and he was getting bored, and he really didn't know anyone here , well it's was just akward to just go to a stranger and tells him you're my friend now.

He's getting sleepy, and the teacher notice that, he yells "HANAGAKI TAKEMICHI ", takemichi confused why the teacher keeps yelling at him , "sorry teacher" takemichi exclaims.

But there's a one students who keeps looking at him , takemichi feels like someone is keeping looking at him , so he decided to look to see the person who's looking at him, and he finds him it's a boy besides him and he has an undercut, and Green/blue? Eyes he isn't very sure.

Takemichi wants to say hi but the boy turn around 'maybe he's embarrassed?' takemichi thinks as he turns to look at the board, the math class finish faster then he was used to or maybe it's just because he slept most of it ,but who cares?

The students have to take a break so everyone went to their friends, as the lunch break will be after the science class, takemichi just sit there as he tries to sleep, but his classmates are just loud, and he doesn't want to cause any problems, so he stays quiet trying to find his sleep as they have one hour break, suddenly takemichi feels a presence Infront of him , he looks up and see the boy , who he tried to talk to  but didn't respond.

The boy smiles and introduces himself "I'm chifuyu mastsuno nice to meet you", takemichi couldn't talk as he blinded by the boy... chifuyu's beauty "Em... Hello 👋?"chifuyu asks ... takemichi just blush as he thinks 'fuck he will thinks I'm a weirdo!',

takemichi gets up and exclaims.           "Well , I'm takemichi hanagaki, nice to meet you too chifuyu"takemichi gives him a big smile 'the sun much feel jealous of him , he's so cute but when he smiles.. that's another story but I have baji-kun ' takemichi's happy that he's not alone in this class as his group have different classes now but he hopes that chifuyu and him will get along.

The hour was great as he had chifuyu by his side, they talked about everything and they discovered so many things that they like together, for example chifuyu's love for manga and his favorite is nana that just appeared to be takemichi's favorite too,they would laugh about takemichi's idiot friends,when takemichi told him what his friends did to him in Christmas, chifuyu was laughing so hard that the science teacher changed his place but just for today.

Takemichi was sure that he will or have to introduce chifuyu to his group ,"ooh and chifuyu make sure you don't annoyes hina"•Takemichi orders•, chifuyu was confused at who's Hina ,"Hina is a nickname her real name is Hinata tachihana"•He explain•"Wait ,Hinata as the popular girl!?"Takemichi nods s his head , leaving behind chifuyu and his poor jaw is now on the floor. But he follows  takemichi, as it's now lunch break and  he's excited to see Takemichi's friends maybe they could be his friends too?

When takemichi and chifuyu arrived at the rooftop,they noticed that everyone was there,and chifuyu will not lie but they looked like a rainbow because of their hairs, he can see yellow, black , brown , pink , and maybe red?

When takemichi and chifuyu arrived at the rooftop,they noticed that everyone was there,and chifuyu will not lie but they looked like a rainbow because of their hairs, he can see yellow, black , brown , pink , and maybe red?

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Finally I'm done, and I'm so sorry for not posting

To be continued



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