I'm Batman!

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"OPEN UP, MASTER BUILDERS!" The team froze up when there was a violent knock at the door.

Oh no, they must have found them.

"Crap!" Emily shrieked, trembling in fear. "What do we do?"

Vitruvius opened up a hatch on the ceiling of the apartment. "Quickly now!" He stretched his hand out, and pulled the two girls up just before an explosion rocked the room. Wyldstyle grabbed the ledge of the hatch and quickly shuts it, sighing with relief. "I think we're in the clear."

"Freeze, turkeys!"

Oh, no, or so they thought.

Cringing, they turned to see the source of the voice. Sure enough, Bad Cop was standing there, surrounded by an army of President Business's robots.

"All I want is the Piece of Resistance." Bad Cop said through his speaker.

"We would rather she died than give it to you!" Wyldstyle shouted, rather bravely.

"I don't wanna die!" Emily gulped, flailing her arms around behind Wyldstyle.

"Look," Bad Cop said, pointing his blaster at them. "We can do this the easy way, or we can do it--"

"Go! Run!" Wyldstyle ran away, holding on to Vitruvius and Emily before Bad Cop could say anything more.

"They took the hard way!" Bad Cop fired red lasers at them. "Fire!" They ran as quickly as they could, trying to dodge the lasers. "Which way to Cloud Cuckoo Land?" Wyldstyle asked Vitruvius.

"Head towards the bright light thing in the sky," Vitruvius explained the best he could.

"You mean the sun?" Emily asked.

Vitruvius nodded. "Yes, that's it."

Suddenly, Wyldstyle had balanced a bunch of bricks in her arms. She started zooming around the bricks, somehow making some sort of hang glider. "Here, Use this!" she called back to Emily, throwing her the hang glider.

"Whoa!" She exclaimed, examining the device. Emily held onto the left wing as she, the wizard, and the not-DJ flew.

"I don't know what I'm doing!" She cried.

"I got them!" Bad Cop aimed his blaster and hits the glider. The two screamed and lands into a water tower, which tumbled, spewing them all over the ground. They were swept through town and found themselves surrounded by a circle of pigs.

"Gah! Pigs! I hate pigs!" Wyldstyle shouted.

She quickly grabbed a wire and rounded up the pigs to form a sleigh. The pigs galloped forward as Vitruvius climbed onto the vehicle. The vehicle was fast but not fast enough to be within eyesight of the robots.

"Vitruvius, build something! They're gaining on us!" Wyldstyle called from the front of the vehicle.

"Let's let Emily try!"

"No, let's not!" The construction worker begged. "I don't have any training!"

"It starts now," Vitruvius said in a matter-of-fact way. "Lesson 1: Trust your instincts!"

"Okay, um..." Emily looks around, trying to find anything that could be useful. Then, one of the wheels had been shot off of the vehicle.

The wheel couldn't stay on the vehicle otherwise.

"I can't control it much longer!" Wyldstyle cried, her voice strained as tried to gain control, the wheel couldn't stay on the vehicle otherwise.

"We need to attach the wheel to something that spins around" Vitruvius stated calmly, Just in front of the vehicle, there was a cliff.

"Uh, um...Oh!" Her blue eyes brightened up with an idea. She grabbed the hair on her head and yanked it off, cringing a little bit. Attaching the wheel.

"Hey, What are you...?"

"It's okay! I got this!" She called back, she crawled down to where the axle would be, planting her feet firmly. Suddenly, she felt myself start to go straight instead of in circles.

The plan had worked!

"You did it!" Vitruvius cheered, hugging one of the pigs, thinking it was one of them.

"Wow," Wyldstyle said in awe. "You actually did- TRAIN!" She shouted, pointing towards train that was coming right towards them.

"He's going to ram us!"

"Quick, we gotta jump!"

"Rest in pieces!" Bad Cop yelled And then the train began to fall down towards the moat. Time almost seemed to slow down.

"Hey, Thanks for saving my life back there. Even if, well, it turned out to be pointless!" Wyldstyle called out to Emily

Emily smiled at her. "Well, for what it's worth, this has been...uh, probably the greatest fifteen minutes of my life!" They both smiled and reached out their hands, accepting their fate to be eaten by crocodiles.

But before they could be croc food, Vitruvius and Wyldstyle and Emily were in some sort of spaceship. And the man in front of the control was none other than....Batman.

Wait, BATMAN!?!? As in the Dark Knight??

"Relax everyone I'm here. What's up, babe?" Batman said to Wyldstyle, grinning egotistic-like.

"Babe!" Wyldstyle look overjoyed.

Emily's eyes widened in disbelief. "Babe?" She said, utterly confused. Oh please don't tell me that...

"Huh? Oh, sorry, Emily, Batman, this is my friend Emily. This is my boyfriend, Batman."

"Batman is your boyfriend!?" She asked again In shock and disbelief, I mean can you blame her. It's freaking Batman! The guy who has all the gadgets, who gets all the girls, even the villainess.

But for some reason, she felt a sudden heart ache. "So, uh How did you guys meet?" Emily asked nervously.

"Yeah. It's actually a funny story, right ba-" She turned to Batman, but he was gone. "Babe?" She looked to see he was busy fighting Bad Cop.

She sighed dreamily. "Isn't he great?" She cooed. Emily huffed a bit, crossing her arms.

"He's no Superman that's for sure."

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