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Warning: Panic Attack

An explosion shakes the ground to the core, everyone tried to run outside, but a police car was guarding the sky. Sure enough, Bad Cop himself was standing on the top of the car.

"We have you now Special!" He barked.

"How the heck did he find us!" Emily cried out.

"Go! Run!" Wyldstyle cried, shoving everyone back inside the Dog. "Come on everyone protect the Special!"

"Wait!" The mermaid pointed to Emily's leg. "What's that on her ankle?"

Emily looked confused at what she was referring to and looks down, there was a red light blinking from the back of Emily's leg.

Her blue eyes widened in realization. "Oh no..."

"It's a tracking device!"

"She led them right to us!"

"What? No, I-I had no idea!" Emily raised her hands up defensively, trying to clear her own name. "It was an-"

"Everyone to the Batmobile!" Batman ordered and they ran towards a window in the Dog. Unfortunately, a police helicopter shoot the Batmobile into oblivion.

"Dang it!"

"Let's use my jet!" Wonder Woman suggested, but the invisible jet was blown up too. "Great Hera!"

Oh no this was bad. There was nowhere to go. Left and right the other master builders tried protect Emily; and they were immediately captured or shot down.

"No!" Emily runs over to help them but was surrounded by the police robots. "Uh, alright now," She got into a fighting stance. "Back off, I'm warning you." She shrieked when one of them grabbed her from behind. "Hey let go of me!" Emily started to panic as she struggled out of their hold whilst attempting to remove the piece off her back.

"Ow! You're gonna pull my torso off!"

"Babe!" Wyldstyle called out to Batman. "Help me get her out of here!"

"It's every man for himself!" He continued trying to fight off some robots.

"Babe we talked about this. I need you to be there for me." She tried to reason with him. Groaning, Batman finally joined her, ripped off the tracker, and stuck it onto a nearby robot.

"Thanks Batman!" Emily sighed in relief.

"I need you to have a better attitude!" Wyldstyle argued with her boyfriend.

"What are you talking about? I have a great attitude!" Batman argued back. Suddenly, there was a shift, almost as if an earthquake was hitting Cloud Cuckoo Land.

The whole place is falling apart.

"They've hit our silly cloud stabilizers!" Unikitty called. "We have to get out of here!"

"Oh, Maybe we could build something?" Emily suggested.

Suddenly a guy wearing a blue spacesuit ran over to the group. "I have an idea! Hi, My name's Ben, but you can call me Benny. I can build a spaceship!" He quickly began to build a spaceship.

"We can't," Wyldstyle pointed out. "The skies are surrounded."

"Dang it." Benny's shoulder's slumped. He really wanted to build a spaceship.

"Then where can we go where we can't be found?" Unikitty asked.

"What if we went underwater?" Emily suggested.

"Oh, that's ridiculous," Batman shook his head. "We couldn't possibly-" Suddenly, a lightbulb struck on his head, literally.

"What if we went underwater?"

"Great idea, Batman!"

"Good thinking babe!"

"But I literally just said that," Emily frowned, trying to get their attention, but was ignored. "You know what...It's totally fine!" They all got to work, Emily just sighed and followed along.

Eventually they all managed to cuddle one very, very huge submarine and escaped Cloud Cuckoo Land. Everyone peeked out the window with looks of sadness, watching the destruction of the once safe haven for all Master Builders.

"My home! It's...gone." Unikitty whispered, watching her safe haven destroyed and sinking into the sea. "What is this in feeling. It's like...the opposite of happiness?" She placed a paw on her chest, feeling her heart accelerating.

"No! I must...stay...positive!" She took a few deep breaths and tried to think about sweet things. "Bubblegum...butterflies...Cotton candy?" Unikitty whimpered weakly, trembling.

"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles, warm wooly mittens!" A look of sheer panic spread across her face. Her breath quickened, and her heart raced.

She can't breathe....She can't breathe..!

"Unikitty, stop, you're having a panic attack!" Emily rushes through the remaining master builders and over to her, she grabbed the pink floating cat by the face looking her in the eyes. "Listen, I need you to breathe with me, okay?"

The princess was in an odd state, it felt as if her happiness was being taken. Still, though, she managed to understand the human. "In, and out, in, and out," Emily repeated. They both stood there for a few minutes, breathing in sync.

As Unikitty finally calmed down, Emily sighed in relief. "There, there, I'm so sorry, UniKitty." She took the weeping cat into her arms, petting her fur soothingly.

The raven haired couldn't help but stare at the scene before her, Knowing Unikitty's outbreaks it was simply impressive for anyone to calm her down. Seeing Emily comfort her in mere seconds was surprising.

'I guess she's not so bad after all' She smiled softly.



"Wait, why are my pants suddenly cold and wet?" Vitruvius suddenly asked. Wyldstyle scrunched her nose in disgust. "Ew, gross old man, that's-" She looked down and gasped as water started flowing into the submarine.

Oh no...Oh no, no, No!

"The walls are crying!" Unikitty cried as water continued pouring in.

"No, we're sinking!" The not-DJ corrected.

"This is not how Batman dies!"

The water continues to rise, Emily tried to look around for anything to help them escape. She looks down seeing pieces rising up in the water

Ding! 💡

"Lightbulb..." She muttered. Suddenly, she soon darted around gathering up the discarded pieces, putting together something. "Quick, everyone get In!" Emily yelled.

"What are you doing?" Wyldstyle questioned.

"No time for questions, just get in!" She opening one of the seats and climbing in. And then the light around everyone disappeared, coating in nothing but blackness.

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