Cloud Cuckoo Land

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So after Wyldstyle's boyfriend, Batman saved everyone from Bad Cop and the robots their next destination was Cloud Cuckoo Land: Supposedly a Safe Haven for other Master Builder. They were now coming out of serene forest and in front of them was a bright colorful rainbow.

"So you're gonna drive up the curved part, take it all the way to the top and park the car." Vitruvius instructed as Batman drives his Batmobile up to the strange rainbow. Climbing out, Vitruvius leads everyone to a giant door made entirely out of clouds.

"Okay, so now what?" Batman asked.

"Okay, I just need to give the secret knock."

The old wizard knocked on the door once, but nothing happened. Then all of a sudden the door burst open and they walked in. Emily had to shield her eyes at the immense bright light, when the light died down she couldn't believe the sight she was seeing....


"Hi! Hello!"

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"Hi! Hello!"

Suddenly the group is greeted by a pink unicorn-cat hybrid. She has a light pink muzzle with red blush spots on her cheeks that can change depending on her emotions. She has large blue eyes with an eyelash coming out of the sides of each of them. She has hot pink triangular ears with a blue unicorn horn nestled into a white casing. She has a green neck (or collar). Her front paws are blue with white tops, while her back paws are yellow with white tops. She has a bushy blue tail with a white underside. When she opens her mouth, there is a small fang in the top of it.

"My name is Princess UniKitty. And I welcome you all to Cloud Cuckoo Land!" She waved her paws eagerly, floating in mid air.

"Oh my gosh....You're the most cutest thing I've ever seen!" Emily squealed taking her into arms and nuzzles her cheek against her fur. She couldn't help but gush over how adorable the pink cat unicorn thing was.

 She couldn't help but gush over how adorable the pink cat unicorn thing was

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Unikitty purrs in response, nuzzling back. "Oh my gosh thank you! And what are your names?" She asked.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Emily," the construction worker introduced herself releasing the unicorn kitty. "This is Wyldstyle, and this is Batman, and I think you already know Vitruvius."

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