Infiltrate Octan Tower

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The ocean was calm, way too calm to say the least. Wyldstyle opened the seat cover completely and looked around. It seemed like they were stranded in the middle of the ocean, there was absolutely nowhere to go.

The others opened up their seats and poked their heads out. "Well, we're still alive." Vitruvius clarifies, picking up one of the cups on the side and drinking from it.

"Alright!" Unikitty cheered.

"Huh. I guess the double-decker couch wasn't pointless after all," Wyldstyle said, giving Emily a pat on the head. "Nice work, girl!"

"Aw thanks!"

"I don't mean to spoil the party," Batman interrupted, pulling himself up from his seat and hangs onto the ladder. "But does anyone else notice we're stranded in the middle of nowhere. I mean, it's not like we're able to just find a humongous ship out of nowhere..."

"Grab hold, me hearties!" A familiar voice yelled.

"OH MY GOD!" Out of nowhere a pirate ship came out of nowhere and was heading directly towards them.

It was Metalbeard!

His metal hand extended down and grabbed the couch pulling everyone up to safety and onto the ship on deck. "Metalbeard!" Benny cried, relieved. "I thought you said we were a lost cause!"

"Ye are!" Metalbeard exclaimed. "Did ye not hear me whole story circumscribing the folly of this whole enterprise?"

"I mean, It was kinda hard to not hear when you're always yelling everything." Batman murmured under his breath.

"So why did you come back?" Unikitty asked, floating over beside the pirate cyborg.

"This bedoubled land couch," Everyone turns to look at the construction worker's double decker couch, which appeared to be shining? "I watched Lord Business' forces completely overlook it. Which means we need more ideas like it." The scrunched brows loosened on the Emily's face, surprised and feeling a little pleased by their approval of her ideas.

"Aw thanks guys!"

"Ideas so dumb and bad that nobody would ever think they could possibly be useful."

"Oh," Emily's smile disappeared. "Uh, thanks..."

"So, Special...what do we do?" Vitruvius asked the special, An abrupt silence fell, mingling with the tension already hanging heavy in the air.

Emily stares back at them for a moment before replying, "Uh...well, what's the last thing Lord Business expects Master Builders will do?"

"Build a spaceship?"

"Kill chickens?"

"Throw someone overboard?"

"Oh. Oh! Marry a marshmallow?"

"No, no." She shook her head at their ideas. "We need to follow the instructions." She clarifies.

"Say WHAT!?" Everyone screamed.

"No, no, wait, Listen." Emily interrupted. "Guys, you're all so talented and imaginative, but frankly, you can't work together as a team. I'm just a construction worker, but when I had a plan and we were working together, we could build a skyscraper. Now you're Master Builders, just imagine what could happen if you did that. You could save the universe! So...who's with me?"

The silence returned, but everyone soon cheered in agreement. Wyldstyle looked back at Emily, blushing a tiny bit. Her face was flushed with gratitude.

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⏰ Last updated: a day ago ⏰

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