YTTD - Chapter 11

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It was silent in the car as I sat stiffly beside him. The only sound was the music blasting, so it wasn't that bad, but I could still feel the awkwardness. Biting my lip nervously, I secretly glanced at Nate to just see him perfectly relaxed while tapping his fingers on the wheel to the beat.

Suddenly he let out a sigh and look at me quickly, "You know you're the only one who is feeling the awkwardness, right?" 

My eyes widened slightly, "W-what are you talking about?"

"Are you like this normally?" He asked again, ignoring my question. 

"Like what?"

"You know...boring," he shrugged. 

"I'm not boring!" I exclaimed. 

"Really?" he said and looked at me again.

I glared at his face, "Have you always been an asshole?" I snapped. 

He laughed lightly, "Runs in the family," he winked. 

I remained silent, not expecting that answer as no words escaped my mouth, "Oh.."

"Don't look so shocked," Nate smirked, "You think I went through some traumatic event to turn out like this?"

"No..?" I mumbled, but it sounded like a question. 

His eyes rolled, "My family in all are all assholes, it's not a secret, so there you go."

The silence returned a I tugged at the sleeves of my sweater, just anticipating to get out. Yet the stupid crush side of me wanted to remain in here forever. I mean, isn't it a dream to have your crush drive you to school? Despite the way I got in the first place. I shook those awful feelings out of my head, and concentrated on the road instead. 

"What happened to the new you, by the way?" he suddenly asked again. 

"Excuse me?" I said. 

"I remember me coming to school one day with this whole new look. What happened?" Nate repeated in curiosity. 

"Why are you so nice all of the sudden?" 

"I have a different side as well, you know," he chuckled in reply. "So what happened?"

"I just forgot, I guess. Was way too tired to try and doll up for school". I told him uneasily, as he just gave a single nod in understanding. 

What I couldn't get out of my head was that he noticed. He actually noticed that I wasn't dolled up for school, and how I looked before the whole make over thing. So that means he knew who I was before all of this? That thought made my heart race again and a small blush to cover my cheeks, but I hid it with a curtain of my blonde hair. 

As he drove into the school parking lot, it was relatively empty as everyone had started to head inside for class, though there were still some left waiting for people and just not caring about the bell. I nervously noticed the gang of jocks a few meters away, eyeing Nate's car and probably waiting for him. The moment the engine stopped, and he took of his belt, I did the most surprising thing ever, and grabbed his arm. 

He halted in shock and looked at me with an raising eyebrow, "Yes?" he asked slowly. 

"C-can't we wait a bit?" I stuttered nervously and sent him a smile.  

He leaned back in his seat, "Why? Class starts in 2 minutes," he told me. 

"Just because," I lied and glanced at the gang of his friends, that still hadn't moved. He followed my gaze to see what I was looking at before laughing. 

"Is that the reason why?" Nate questioned amused, "You're scared of my friends?"

"No!" I denied quickly, "I'm not scared, just worried," 

"About what?" He questioned with a amused smile. 

"Uh, your uh, reputation!" I exclaimed, "Yes, your reputation. Wouldn't want to ruin that, right?" I chuckled. 

"What about my reputation?" He asked again, and I cursed him from the inside. 

"From uh, being seen with someone like me?" I tried badly. 

"Your lying skills suck," He stated. "Besides there is nothing wrong with you being seen with me," Nate said carelessly and opened the door. 

"What are you doing?" I hissed. 

With a small wink, he slammed the door closed and before I knew it my own opened with him on the outside. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out, as I stumbled with a small yelp. Holding my backpack in one hand, he suddenly slung an arm around my shoulders and led me towards the group, which involved Santana, may I add. 

Well, no need to worry about making it to class now, I thought. 

"Yo Nate! Wassup man!" Guys called out, while the girls only waved and giggled. 

Santana on the other hand had a blank face on, and looked at me with an raised eyebrow and eying the arm that was around my shoulders. 

"Hey!" I hissed again and elbowed his side, but he just smirked down at me. 

"Don't worry," he said when we suddenly were amongst the crowd, and I without my own knowledge, moved closer into Nate's side. If he noticed, he didn't mention it. 

"So who's the new girl?" A guy asked curiously. Probably something everyone wondered. 

"This is Allie, She's my partner for an assignment in English," Nate told them casually. 

"Ah, gotta keep them friendly, I see!" another guy said and nudged him teasingly. He just shook his head and chuckled. 

"Not what you think bro," he replied. 

"So Allie, you don't seem too unfamiliar. You've gone to this school a long time right?" someone asked, and that someone also being Eric of all people. 

I was actually surprised to see him hanging with them and blending in so well. I guess we know less about our friend gangs than usual. He had this mischievous glint in his eyes, as he awaited my answer. 

"You should know, right?" I replied to him without thinking about the other. It was like an instinct on how we talked normally. 

"Oh, she got fire!" some exclaimed. 

Eric scoffed with a smile and looked at me amused. 

"Not very pretty..." I heard one of the cheerleaders mutter as she looked me up and down with a grimace. It made me conscious that I didn't look very appealing to them, and slowly crossed my arms across my chest. 

Eric had glared at her quickly, but didn't say anything. 

"Ow!" The same girl suddenly yelped and rubbed her head. 

"Now, now Cindy. No need to be so rude, " Santana spoke and stepped up. She smiled at me, but I just couldn't feel anything good from it. 

Nate's arm around me suddenly tensed as I quickly glanced up at him and back at the lead cheerleader. 

"Allie, nice to see you again," she said to me, and I sent a tight smile in return. 

"You too, Santana". 

"How's Lily? I haven't talked to for a while," she mused. 

I clenched my teeth, "She's good," I simply replied. 

Luckily Nate seemed to notice that the air was slightly tense, as he told them we would be on our way to class, before pulling me with him into the deserted building, that had started with classes ages ago. I stumbled after him, because of his long legs, but managed to keep up with his pace. 

"We're not even in the same class," I pointed out confused. 

"I know," he shrugged and suddenly stopped as I looked up and saw my class. 


"See ya in English, babe" he smirked before turning around and leaving. 

"-did you know..." I finished astonished. 

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