YTTD - Chapter 25

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"Shit, shit, shit..."

I was mumbling underneath my breath, while pacing back and forth in my mother's office. 

The black gun was laid on the desk, staring up at me almost mockingly. 

Running a hand through my hair in frustration I let out a shaky breath. 


The realization that my mom had a gun in our house was starting to catch up to me. My stereotypical baking-cookies-for-friends mother had a hidden shotgun in our house without telling anyone. I knew that if I were to repeat it one more time I would pass out on the floor. My mind just refused to accept the whole situation at the moment, as my eyes flickered to the weapon on the table several times. 

The town we lived in was a small and safe community. As far as I knew that is. 

There have never been any serious cases of violence ever reported, except for that mysterious murder the other week. Maybe that's why she had bought a gun in the first place. For safety and an extreme case of paranoia. That's a typical parent move to do. 

Is it not?

I nodded to myself thoughtfully. That had to be it. My mom just wouldn't have a random loaded gun laying around. 

Taking another hesitant look at the black object on the desk, I approached in warily - as if expecting it to jump up and shoot me by itself. Stretching out my hand, I picked it up again, finding it surprisingly heavy for such a small thing. My fear had slowly turned to curiosity as I slowly inspected the weapon, turning it around to look at it more closely. Counting how this was my first time ever seeing a gun in person - not to mention holding one, I did find my fascination with it quite acceptable. 

To think that a small gun like that, held in the palm of your hand, could make so much damage. 

Goosebumps spread over my skin at that thought, and I hoped to never be in a situation where a gun would be involved again. Deciding that the best choice for now was to put it back in place and not mention it to mom. I doubt she would be happy to hear that I managed to break into her office that was locked for a reason. 

After I had made sure that nothing looked out of place and put the key back where I found it, I walked out of their bedroom and down the stairs towards the kitchen. So I didn't exactly find anything related to my mother cheating, but looking back at the situation, I would have liked that much better than a killing machine. But neither of the options were very pleasing to think about. 

Groaning out loud, I slumped over the counter of the kitchen while childishly stomping my feet. As if it would make all my problems go away. 

Fuck it. I need food. 

Heading towards out refrigerator, I pulled open the door and peered inside with a concentrated look. In times of stress and need, food was always the answer. Dad had just stocked up on food the other day, so there were quite a few things I could make out of the ingredients. But I was too lazy, and instead opted for a piece of leftover cheesecake that I found. 

Never wrong with cake when it comes to a crappy mood if you ask me. 

Just as I was about to lift the fork up to my mouth, I scowled when the doorbell rang brightly through the house. Resisting another childish tantrum, I put it back down on the table before reluctantly moving towards the front door. 

Who even visits this early in the morning. The time was barely 10 AM. 

Opening the door with a blank expression, I didn't change when I saw the person on the other side of it. I only stared at him silently for a second before speaking. 

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