YTTD - Chapter 7

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My legs moved numbly as I made my way over to the cafeteria, meeting up with Grace and Lily. After that whole incident with Nate, I was a little too shocked to do anything the whole day. It was just a stupid crush, I kept reminding myself over and over again.

"Hey what's up with you?" The familiar voice of Grace suddenly addressed me and I glanced up in surprise, not hearing or noticing her in the first place.

"Nothing," I told her with a small smile, "Where's Lils?" I asked.

Grace shrugged and looked around quickly. "No idea, she told me something about being busy."

I raised my eyebrows at her, "Oh?"

"Nah, I don't know," She commented carelessly and returned to her lunch, and pushed another sandwich towards me.

"You owe me 5 bucks by the way," she grinned and I just snorted at her.

"You wish," I mumbled and unwrapped it quickly.

"Hey!" Grace pouted and I grinned back at her in return with a innocent shrug. That's what best friends are for.

"So did anything happen today?" She asked me a little while later on.

I swallowed what I had in my mouth and took a sip of water from her bottle.

"Maybe..." I told her slowly.

"Oh something so happened!" she said enthusiastically and leaned forward on the table with a anticipated look on her face. "Spill it!"

I hesitated with a grimace, "It's nothing big," I muttered.

"That just means that it's something huge!" Grace exclaimed eagerly.

I groaned not really wanting to tell her it, "I just ran into someone today."

Her expression fell, "That's it?"

I could feel the hope in me rise a little bit at that, "Yup."

"..and?" she asked, "who was it?"

Screw that.

"No," I sighed at her, "Like literally ran into someone."

Her eyes widened a small fraction before her mouth was slightly open, "How the hell did you manage that?"

"I'm clumsy?" I suggested weakly and really hoped that she didn't get the idea of me trying to avoid anything more.

Her eyes narrowed at me in suspicion for a small second when a smirk graced her lips, "You really thought I was that stupid?" Grace asked me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked quickly.

The smirk never went away, "It's not that you ran into someone, but who you ran into. Am I right?" She asked me with raised eyebrows.

"Why do you even need to ask, you know me already," I groaned.

"So who was it?" She pressed me for an answer. I mumbled his name under my breath and avoided eye contact, "Excuse me I didn't get that," She told me amused.

"Nate Ashton..." I breathed out and shut my eyes waiting for the blow.

"Shit.." I heard her whisper and slowly opened them again to look at her. "You are so lucky, I mean two times you've ran into him!" Grace said gleefully.

Okay, have I told you that Grace might not be as sane as she appears to be?

"It's not as fantastic as you make it seem.." I told her.

Grace shook her head in disagreement. "I would love any moment I could get to feel those back muscles!"

I grimaced at her with raised eyebrows and shuddered, "That's so weird."

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