YTTD - Prologue

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I let out a deep breath as I walked towards the field, where I could already hear several feet stomping and bodies colliding. It was after school and the football team had practice, while the cheerleaders had theirs inside the gym. It felt like I just went through world war 3 to even get here. Let's just say that I have very persuasive friends when they wanted to me. My bruises prove that. 

Both Grace and Lily had actually calculated the perfect opportunity without Santana bugging in would be. 

Walking past the bleachers, I leaned against the cement wall and watched the team practice. Coach Brown was yelling at them at the top of his lungs so much that his face was red. I could clearly see the spit coming out of his mouth, and veins along his neck almost popping. 

Trying to stop my hands from trembling, I adjusted my new clothes and tried not to look like an idiot.

Grace had so kindly insisted me getting a little more improved style, to impress our school's smolder holder.

Her words, not mine. She's obsessed with Ian Somerhalder.

I had to change from my normal mom jeans to extremely tight-fitting ones, that I was sure stopped my blood circulation. From my comfy sweaters to a crop top. My sneakers to white converse, who's appearance I found completely bland. As well as a black leather jacket. 

I had no idea what made a girl hot by wearing a leather jacket. As you can see I'm not the best at fashion and still managed to live a normal life.

Amazing right?

Anyway, back to present time.

Biting my lip, I tried not to turn back and run away, but a dare was a dare, and I never backed down from one. Though this was quite different.

I ran my fingers through my long blonde hair, that was curled with loose curls at the bottom and straightened my back. Hearing the whistle from coach Brown, all the guys stopped playing and started to take off their gear.

My jaw almost hit the floor.

It was like I was in some kind of cheesy teen movie as it all went in slow motion before my eyes. One by one, they all peeled off their shirts and I tried not to drool by all the half-naked bodies that were in my view.  I snapped my mouth shut quickly, and composed myself. Clearing my throat to myself, I promised Grace that I would kill her very painfully if this went wrong.

Getting myself to take one step at a time; I was walking a normal pace out to the field with a confident smile. Or at least I hoped it looked confident. It might have been just a very weird grimace.  

Most of the boys just ignored me or didn't really care, but some did turn around to stare at me in curiosity. Understandably in their view, school hours were over, so why would there be someone else here?

    "Hi uncle Tom!" I waved at the coach, and saw him turn surprised, a smile spreading his lips.

    "Hey pumpkin," He greeted me, walking over. "What are you doing here?"

Did I forget to mention that he was my uncle? It comes in handy at times when we have him in P.E for sure. 

    "Mom made me..." I sighed overdramatically, as uncle Tom chuckled and rolled his eyes.

    "Sounds like my baby sister."

    "Yeah," I agreed with him, a secret smile covered my lips. "I got something for you." I sang teasingly, as his eyes narrowed suspiciously at me.

    "What?" uncle Tom asked slowly.

I pulled a brown paper bag out of my bag and waved it in front of him, happy that I got the dreamy reaction out of him.

    "Is that what I think it is?"

    "Well, what do you think it is?" I asked him innocently.

    "Your mother's famous pasta?" he asked hopefully and reached for the bag. I laughed and nodded before giving it to him. 

He opened it, inhaled the scent and let out a sigh.

    "She knows how to get on my good side," uncle Tom approved, making me giggle, but that soon stopped when the voice reached my ears.


Coach Brown aka uncle Tom, let out an impatient grunt and turned to the voice before snapping. "What Ashton?!"

Nate Ashton came waltzing over to us in all his glory. His dark eyes trained on me and a small smirk playing at his lips. Again, I tried very hard not to stare.

    "Are we finished for today?" His voice sent shivers down my body, and I made my eyes look down at the ground instead of him.

Coach Brown was silent for a moment, thinking, and his eyes kept flickering back to the pasta and his team.

    "Fine, get your asses in the shower."

The rest of the team heard it and let out a happy cheer before running to the locker rooms and vanishing from my sight. Well, that went quick. 

    "I'll see you later, alright pumpkin?" uncle Tom told me as I nodded. He ruffled my hair with a smile before walking away.

I let out a sigh and turned around only to let out a yelp and almost crashing in a naked chest. Stumbling back a few steps, I saw Nate Ashton looking at me with amusement. 

My face suddenly got hot, my blush obviously covering my cheeks.

    "Pumpkin huh?" He asked me while I shyly tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, nodding mutely.

    "Can't you talk?"

    "Of course I can talk." I nearly stuttered and facepalmed myself from the inside. 

His eyes trailed up and down my body, wanting to make me wish I was back in my old clothes. But Grace's words echoed in my head. I dare you

So I stood up straight and casually put a hand to my hip and looked at him with a smile.

    "Don't you have anywhere else to be?" I asked him and gestured my head to the locker rooms.

Nate raised his eyebrows at me. "Don't you?" He retorted. "Because we're the only ones here right now."

I bit my lip and muttered a curse under my breath. "I can be anywhere I want. This is a free country you know," I responded a little bit snappy.

Again he seemed humored by my answer and let out a husky chuckle. Holy shit, calm yourself Allie! 

He casually took a few steps forward as I stood rooted in my place, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of making me nervous.

    "Your name's Allie Miller, right?" Nate asked.

My eyes narrowed at him by the slightest. "What is it to you?"

He shrugged carelessly. "Just wanted to know the hot niece of my coach," he replied and watched for my reaction.

My breath got caught, as I tried to speak. Did he just call me hot?

    "Don't you have a girlfriend?" I managed to get out a little squeaky. He seemed satisfied with my reaction I bet.

Nate scoffed like it was the most stupid thing I could remind him of. "Like I don't know she's been cheating on me this whole time."

Ouch, that can't be good.

I opened my mouth to say something, but he cut me to it. That was when I noticed how close we really were. "At least I have you to entertain me," He smirked.

I spluttered a bit at that. "Excuse me?" I gaped at him.

He leaned down as I felt his breath on my ear. "This is going to be a interesting year, Allie Miller." He whispered and brushed past me.


A new story guys! and I hope that you like the prologue so far! :D





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