YTTD - Chapter 15

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I huffed as I stared at his form on the opposite side of the table with his back turned to me. His white t-shirt easily outlined his muscled back, but I was too annoyed to focus on that. He was whistling. Again. Sometimes I wonder why it always had to be me to get stuck in these kind of situations. 

    "You said were following me out." I stated.

    "I was," he answered. 

My eye twitched slightly. "Why are we back in the kitchen?" I got out through clenched teeth. 

    "It's not my fault Robert decided to go on a trip with the car," he shrugged carelessly. "You'll just have to wait." 

    "I can walk perfectly fine."

Nate turned around with a bottle of water and raise an eyebrow at me, "Do you know how far it is to you house from here? I'm not stopping you, but I refuse to get the blame when a call comes in saying you've gone missing or something."

I stared blankly at him, "Are you worried about me?"

His lip tugged up the slightest, "Does that make me more likeable?"

I scoffed and turned my head away, not even surprised by his question. "Does that answer your question?" I replied and he rolled his eyes at me. 

    "You're really annoying, you know that?" he said and looked pointly at me. 

I had to stop my jaw from dropping, "I'm annoying? Have you met you?"

Nate winked at me, "It's a part of my charm babe."

My face scrunched up, "Don't call me that."

    "But seriously, what's your deal?" Nate suddenly questioned me with a serious look. 

    "My deal?" I repeated. 

    "Yeah, you're always so snappy and grumpy around me. Did I bully you in the past or something, because I don't remember someone like you."

    "Flattering," I commented blankly and he only smirked at me. "Well luckily for me, you did not bully me or whatever. And I don't like you because of your selfish self."

    "My selfish self?" He said amused, "Is it because I have money?"

    "Do people ever tell you how you are face to face?" I asked him with narrowed eyes. 

    "You mean beside telling me how cool and handsome I am? Not really."

I groaned loudly in exasperation, "That's what i'm talking about! You're arrogant and selfish. You don't care about anyone else than yourself. You dragged me out of my house without my permission, on my own fucking birthday. You always put yourself first, not thinking how that person possibly is busy today. Not everyone lives to kiss the fucking ground you walk on Ashton," I ended with a glare. 

There was a long silence after my somewhat lecture towards him, as he didn't seem that chatty like before. I couldn't care less about what he was doing at the moment, as the only thing I was paying attention to was my phone. I had several texts from the others asking where I was, because Addison probably told them I went out. I gave them both a short answer saying I was out working on a group project. I didn't have the patience to explain to them why I was in Nate Ashton's house on my birthday of all days. 

Letting out a tired sigh, I looked up from the small screen and scanned the luxurious kitchen, only to notice that Nate wasn't inside the room anymore. Despite the confusion bubbling up inside of me, I didn't have the effort to go and look for him. It was his own damn house for gods sake. If he needed anything he would probably send a maid or something. I scoffed slightly at that thought. The only thing I actually could to was sitting here and wait for his driver, Robert, to get back and finally drive me home. 

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