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Chapter 116

Looking like this from a distance, it's a whole sea of ​​zombies.

Qin Jiale had never thought carefully about how so many zombies could gather in such a huge city, and these zombies seemed to have been transforming from humans to zombies for a long time.

The clothes on their bodies have been eaten away by the wind and sand, and have become dilapidated due to the passage of time. The exposed upper bodies are so skinny that one can almost see the fallen ribs.

Qin Jiale controlled the drone in his hand and kept adjusting the buttons, trying to calibrate the direction.

Although these zombies look very scary, their target is the city center. There must be something in the city center that is attracting these zombies, so that they can forget their instinct of preying on humans and become standing still, like soldiers waiting to be dispatched.

soldier? Qin Jiale shivered. How could she have such a terrible thought? Although zombies can obey some orders, it does not mean that they can be used as soldiers to fight.

Moreover, the consequences of this word were so terrible that Qin Jiale could not imagine that other than the firepower of large weapons, anything else could carry out a large-scale attack on these zombies.

No, no, we have to find the source quickly. Qin Jiale had an intuition that even the source in the city center must have a purpose. There must be someone behind it! But what is their purpose?

But there were too many zombies around, and she didn't know where to let the drone fly. Because at this moment, the scenery in all directions is the same, except for zombies, there is nothing else at all.

Gu Hengyu: "What's wrong?"

When he said this, his voice was very low and deliberately lowered so as not to interrupt Qin Jiale's train of thought.

Qin Jiale frowned: "I don't know where to go. There are so many zombies that I feel dizzy."

Gu Hengyu: "There is a map guidance function..."

Qin Jiale: "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Gu Hengyu looked aggrieved. He felt that the map guidance function was not particularly perfect, and after it was turned on, there would be directions that would interfere with the line of sight. There was currently no way to clear it. He was afraid that entering a novice like Qin Jiale who operated a drone would only make his mind more confused, so he didn't mention it.

Qin Jiale narrowed his eyes and handed the remote control to Gu Hengyu: "Hurry and open it for me."

It's really embarrassing that I can't find my direction or anything.

Gu Hengyu took the remote control, clicked on the screen a few times, and pulled up a settings panel with many options. On the "Map Guide" column, the square next to it was gray.

Gu Hengyu tapped his finger, and the gray box turned green.

At the same time, a mechanical voice navigation similar to the maps on smartphones in the early days appeared on the screen. Qin Jiale felt a woman's voice forcefully thrust into his mind: "Hello."

Qin Jiale tentatively replied: "Hello?"

The mechanical female voice continued: "I am Amanda, your map guidance assistant."

Qin Jiale was a little panicked, gesturing at Gu Hengyu and not daring to say anything.

What is this sound? ! Is technology advanced enough now to make smart assistants in this doomsday environment?

Superpower heroine in the apocalypse (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now