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Chapter 136

Qin Jiale: "Impossible, stop dreaming."

Gu Hengyu: "Why?"

Qin Jiale was very angry. Is Gu Hengyu still his good partner? He actually allowed himself to pick up that broken box when he was so scared: "Who knows what's in that box?!" It was simply that the man in front of him was not his good brother after all!

Sun Yang was shaken: "If not, I'll go get it, sister Lele..."

Gu Hengyu quickly grabbed Sun Yang and said, "Don't! This is a good opportunity for Qin Jiale to practice hard! How can you take it away?"

Qin Jiale had a dark look on his face: "I'll take your head!"

Gu Hengyu patted Qin Jiale on the shoulder very hard: "Go!"

Qin Jiale was really speechless and too lazy to argue with people who wanted to watch the show. He rolled his eyes and said, "Go ahead. If I am bitten to death by a leopard, just wait!"

Gu Hengyu shuddered and felt that he had gone too far, so he said to Qin Jiale: "Ahem, this is actually for you. Think about it, if the leopard really dared to move, with so many people present, wouldn't it Are you the only one who has the ability to freeze the movements of a leopard?"

There is actually nothing wrong with what Gu Hengyu said. If he were left to go alone, he would probably be in front of such a fast animal. It would be too late to escape, and he would be easily torn into pieces by then. Besides, Sun Yang, this child's superpowers are still not stable, and they are really far behind Qin Jiale. If he didn't react for a moment, Qin Jiale definitely didn't want to watch Sun Yang being eaten alive!

Qin Jiale said angrily: "Okay, okay, I know you ask for too much!"

She took a look at the leopard. Its black fur was shiny and smooth. She didn't know what the staff here fed the leopard. It seemed to be well-raised. Also because it was well-raised, the leopard looked at Qin Jiale and didn't react at all. Maybe he has eaten too much delicacies and is not interested in Qin Jiale at all?

Gu Hengyu poked Qin Jiale on the back: "Hurry up, why are you dawdling?"

Qin Jiale turned around and glared angrily: "I'm leaving right now?!"

She was walking, but she was just rubbing against the floor. The floor of this laboratory is very clean, and the floor tiles have a mirror-like feel, reflecting Qin Jiale's blurry figure.

Sun Yang: "How is it?"

Qin Jiale: "Why don't you think this leopard won't move?"

Gu Hengyu: "What's the reason? I don't want to move. Hey, don't you really want to be scratched by a leopard? Why are you looking forward to it so much?"

Qin Jiale was speechless: "I'm just afraid of it getting up! Why am I looking forward to it?"

As he spoke, the tension in Qin Jiale's heart had eased a lot. The leopard swung its tail lazily, its thick black tail dangling on the ground, like an old man driving away mosquitoes.

Qin Jiale looked at it and found it funny, but he couldn't really laugh out and could only suppress the smile deeply in his heart.

She had already walked to the table. The aluminum table had sharp edges and corners that could perfectly reflect a person's face. There are also some very inconspicuous traces of dried water on it.

Qin Jiale grabbed the side of the table with both hands. Here, she could see the leopard more clearly.

Qin Jiale muttered: "Okay, Mr. Leopard, don't rush over on impulse."

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