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Chapter 221

At first, everyone thought the jungle was not that scary.

From the outside, it looks like a normal place that you often see in TV shows. The trees are lush and green, and the sun shines through the branches and leaves, casting dots of light on the ground. This scene looks not only beautiful, but also quite heartwarming.

But after half an hour, no one thought so anymore.

They were wandering around in this huge jungle like a group of headless flies. Occasionally, you can still see a bit of cement that once covered the road under the tangled tree roots. The tops of their heads were covered with lush leaves of plants, blocking the sun above them as if blocking the sky. Despite this, the temperature did not drop at all.

The sun may be shining brightly outside, but from time to time you can feel a chill in the trees, blowing along the wind onto your face, along the gaps in your clothes, and into the seams of your bones.

Along the way, they saw a variety of mutated plants. Some plants emit poisonous mist. Although the area is not very large, as long as the mist touches the skin, the skin will quickly burn and small blisters will appear one after another, which is unbearable. .

Although they were all very vigilant, after the poisonous mist spread, everyone inevitably got some on their bodies. Especially Gu Hengyu, because he acted too late, he also had a few blisters on his left face. He complained all the way, saying that he would definitely be disfigured because of this.

Qin Jiale got tired of hearing this and kicked Gu Hengyu, saying that even if he wasn't disfigured, no girl would choose him.

This sentence seemed to cause Gu Hengyu to suffer very serious mental damage. He didn't speak for a long time, probably because he was really thinking seriously about whether what Qin Jiale said was true.

Apart from the poisonous mist, those arms that emerge from the mud on the ground are simply childish.

Qin Jiale and the others had originally escaped from the plants that were swinging their vines in the air, but they saw a large quagmire on the ground in front of them. The mire is dark brown, similar to the color of mud mixed with some water. On the surface, small bubbles continued to emerge one after another, as if something was breathing beneath the quagmire.

Qin Jiale had seen this kind of quagmire and warned others to be careful.

Although the quagmire occupies a large area, there is still a circle of intact land around it. As long as they carefully avoid the quagmire, they should be fine.

However, just as they divided into two lines and carefully moved around the quagmire, Qin Jiale noticed with sharp eyes that more bubbles seemed to have gathered on the surface of the quagmire.

Qin Jiale quickened his pace and urged the people behind him: "Go faster, something seems to be coming out!"

Chen Chen was at the end of the team and tripped over the moss on a tree root.

Two dry arms suddenly emerged from the quagmire and grabbed Chen Chen's ankles.

"Ah!!!" Chen Chen not only felt panic, but the most important thing was fear. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and slashed directly with the knife.

These arms are very fast, but they are also afraid of the knife in Chen Chen's hand. When cutting them, these arms quickly retracted out of fear. Just as when they came, the arms retracted silently into the mire.

Chen Chen was still in shock and quickly took a few steps forward to keep up with Qin Jiale.

Until they were far away from the quagmire and were sure that those strange arms would no longer come out to harass them, Chen Chen sat down on the ground, pulled up the pants tucked into his military boots, and checked his ankles.

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