7. Face to face

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George Weasley walks with quick steps through the corridors and staircases of Hogwarts, and listens barely to the chatter of Nearly-Headless Nick. He understands that Hagrid asked the ghost to help to find him and get him going in the study of the Headmistress as soon as possible.

Fortunately it takes a bit of time to reach their destination. The walk lightens George's mind , still pretty shaken because of the long flashback of shortly before. Fleetingly the man wonders if he will ever find peace, one day. Then dismisses the thought: is not the time to dwell on.

They arrive in front of the statue of the Gargoyle behind which is the study of the Hogwarts Headmistress. Hagrid is there, waiting.

"Luckily we found you, Geor .. I mean... Professor Weasley," says the Giant with his deep voice, all red and embarrassed by the error. He is not yet accustomed to seeing the young Weasley in the role of teacher. "Professor McGonagall is in her office and it seems that she really has a need to see you... professor."

"Stop it, Hagrid" George cuts short "You know me for a lifetime, so you can continue to call me with my name even if now I teach at Hogwarts instead of trying every way for them to expel me from here. We have to enter, the Headmistress is not the person who loves wait. "

George makes a quick gesture with his magic wand and the statue moves, showing an opening otherwise invisible. He quickly enters, followed closely by an Hagrid increasingly worried.

* * *

In the study in half light, two figures are waiting standing for the arrival of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. When George enters, one of the two approaches him immediately, hiding the other.

"Headmistress" greets George with a dry nod of the head "Hagrid told me that you were looking for me. Of what you needs? "

"Thank you for coming right away, George. This year we have someone who will be with us for a while, and we must find the best role for her. "

"A solution can always be found. Would you please present me the person we are talking about? "

Professor McGonagall remains motionless, suddenly hesitant. She understands at once that it has not been a great idea to call him without before explain the situation calmly.
Suddenly she remembers the rumors that for years, after the Last Battle, George went around the world to hunt down the remaining Death Eaters and... the mysterious daughter of Bellatrix.
She swallows hard.
Why she has not remembered it before? She can not let him meet Ellemir so, cold, without first warning him.

She is about to open her mouth to make him go away with any excuse when from her shoulders she hears a voice and a swish.

Ellemir moves and comes along, making finally see herself.

"It's me"

George, for the first time in years, is truly breathless.
He had never seen a creature so extraordinary. Tall, slender, long brown hair with soft waves framing the face and two gray eyes that can make lose the head of the most insensitive man.

For a moment turns back in the light-hearted boy of a long time ago and makes a perfect bow.

"George Weasley in her service. May I ask the name of this lady who applies for asylum in our modest little cottage? "

Minerva McGonagall moves fast and is about to open her mouth, but the girl reply first.

"Ellemir Lestrange, my pleasure" she says, still smiling for what George has told.

An absolute hush falls over the room.

George freezes.

Then it all happens in an instant.

The man takes his magic wand and quick as a flash he rails against Ellemir blocking her against the wall and pointing his wand at her throat.
His face is a mask of hatred and anger, made even deeper for having felt an attraction so strong for her earlier.

The room disappears: he does not feel that McGonagall yells "NO GEORGE!", he does not see Hagrid who approaches for stopping him until the Headmistress tells him to stop to avoid making things worse.

There's only Ellemir.

After years of research here she is, helpless, at his mercy. He just has to give her the final blow.

They feel the breaths rushed of McGonagall and Hagrid, who do not have the courage of doing anything not to risk the worst.

Ellemir struggles with all her might to try to break free, but to no avail, she can not move: George is too strong and has locked her too well.

She looks into his eyes and what she sees makes her understand that it's over. Hatred authentic, infinite and profound. Something breaks in her deep. She stops fighting and lets his magic wand against her neck so strong that almost pierces the skin.

"Do it," she whispers, staring at him. Then she closes her eyes.

That brief speech just whispered acts as icy water on the fire of the wrath of George. His mind returns clear and restart working. He sees again the room and the Headmistress and Hagrid watching him with terrified eyes. He watches an instant Ellemir, who is waiting for the coup de grace.

George closes his eyes.

And then he lets her go, turning his back with his hands up and walking away speedy.

McGonagall runs to the trembling girl and nods to Hagrid who immediately approaches. "Hagrid, bring her in the old classroom of Divination" she says in a low voice, accompanying them to the exit of the study.

As soon as the doors is closed, she turns around.



Hello! Thanks to be passed to read my story!

Here ... they met. I hope you enjoyed ^ _ ^

What do you think will happen now ? I'm curious to know what you think !



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