10. No choice

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Professor McGonagall has just closed the door of her office behind Ellemir and Hagrid and turns to George Weasley, rather angry. Something should be said about what has just happened.

But when her gaze rests on the man silent, who is waiting near the window, the anger disappears to make room for the affection and sorrow.

George gives his back to the room and is staring at the dark of the night, motionless. The shoulders are stiff and his head is slightly bent, while the hands are clenched into fists.

"I'm sorry, George. I should have warned you, before letting you meet Ellemir." Admits the Headmistress.

"I would say yes" George replies in a whisper. Then he turns and looks at her, not even trying to hide the pain he is feeling at that time and which it is read clearly in his eyes .

" Why, Headmistress?" He asks. "Why did you received that girl? No one wants her, here. Hogwarts is not a place for someone like her." His deep voice resonates in the silence of the room and the words float between the two for a while.

"To me it seemed like a good idea , since she came here spontaneously . I know the voices are turning on her. Having Ellemir here allows us to keep a close eye on her" said the old witch "I just thought about it, without thinking of what it means for many of us having here the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange . I'm so sorry, I should have give you the time to digest it before letting you to meet the girl."

She did not say that there was another reason that led her to consent to Ellemir to remain in the castle . As they talked and the girl was waiting to hear the decision of the Headmistress, the ostentatious indifference by the girl she could not disguise with how apprehension she was waiting, nor what relief she felt then when knew that she would stay. That girl was truly desperate, for some reason known only to her. This was also why it was good that she could be kept under control

"Plus, she left his magic wand" she adds "she is harmless."

George makes a tired smile: "Ellemir Lestrange does not need the magic wand..." McGonagall can not hide her surprise. "Didn't you know it? She's a Catalyst, one of the last ... Ellemir is able to collect in herself the magic surrounding, better if it is thrown against her, and then use it as she sees fit."

" But ... it have passed hundreds of years since it was born one of them... how is it possible...?? " The Headmistress is speechless.

"Nobody knows who the father is, or the spells that have been used during conception " George speaks with difficulty "The fact is that we have under this roof one of the most powerful magicians in history, Voldemort aside, and we do not have the means to counter it." He rubs his eyes , shaking his head . "It's a big quagmire, Headmistress".

"This news will change dramatically the situation," she answers "But I will not put her away because otherwise she will be totally out of control. We must keep a close eye on her to understand what has in mind. I have no one else to ask ... do you feel? "

George holds back a surge of anger. He begins to walk up and down the studio trying to calm down, while the woman looks at him, waiting.

He seems to be plunged into a nightmare, only this time it will not come the morning sunshine to sweep it away.

George knows he has no alternative 'The Headmistress is right', he is repeated obsessively. 'It is positive having her in the Castle, so she can be controlled ... '

But for Goerge it is impossible to believe this . The very thought of having to share the same roof with the girl without being able to complete his revenge, indeed having to keep an eye on her , makes him go crazy . Plus a girl like that, adds a malicious little voice in his head, that he is not able to keep quiet and which continues to remind him how had hit him her charm before he knew who she was.

'It does not matter! I can do it! I have to do it!' Continues to repeat himself , trying to regain the necessary mental clarity.

The Headmistress watches helplessly the battle that George is fighting within himself. If she had someone else to ask would have done it. She is immensely sorry to have to submit the man to a test like that, right now that seems to have regained a bit of serenity. She is going to tell him to calm down and that she will arrange things in some other way to ensure that he will be not touched by this affair, when George suddenly stops and stares at her.

"Ok, I will keep an eye on Ellemir. But I want to have carte blanche" adds with a firm voice that does not allow replies.

"All right, George. You will have carte blanche. But just because it's you, and I know that the loss of control that you had while ago will not be repeated. Do not make me regret of the confidence that I'm giving. "

George makes a curt nod and turns toward the door to leave.

"George, wait a moment. In a few days the students will arrive for the start of school. You have to define how to handle it with them. As soon as we will get all teachers to talk about it. "

"Well. Let me know when."

George comes out from the study after having made a brief nod.

Once past the threshold and moved the statue Gargoyle with a touch of his magic wand , George leans against the wall with his eyes closed, exhausted. The meeting took away his strength.

Wondering how he will survive the next few days and months without losing his mind, he shakes himself and walks wearily toward the exit of the castle . A walk in the garden perhaps will serve to lighten the ideas and to see the future less black than it appears now .

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