Chapter 5: Flustered Players

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This is dangerous territory. I know that by the way he looked at me when he first saw me. The way he seemed too interested in me. Yeah, maybe he just wants to bone me, but there was a glint of something more in his honey brown eyes. I attempted to wound his ego a little, but I don't think I actually got through to him because here I am sitting across from him at a table in Lucy's Diner. I wanted so badly for him to refuse the invitation Ashley had pushed on Chris who pushed on him. But here we are.

I'm angry at Ashley. We had talked about a distraction which I was eager to get on board with, but little did I know she had a surprise attack waiting. I smelled her and Chris' bullshit from a mile away, and then their plan became apparent when Mr. Googly Eyes approached me. She didn't intend for me to actually take interest in any of the guys on the team. She intended to set me up, which sounds an awful lot like stabbing me in the back after I told her I didn't want anything serious.

I look down at the table not wanting to meet his heavy gaze. I'm sandwiched in between Ashley and Molly so it's the girls on one side and the guys on the other, Wheels sitting across from Molly and Chris across from Ashley.

The other two couples seem to be having no trouble at all coming up with conversation, but Reece and I just sit in silence, our eyes awkwardly trailing over one another every once in a while. I clutch my necklace nervously as I risk one of these awkward glances. His eyes are already on me and I quickly avert them once I realize he's looking.

To my right, I realize that Chris and Ashley have gone quiet. I look over at them and they're both looking back at us expectantly. I slump back in my seat in an attempt to duck out of the blinding spotlight they're casting on us.

"So, Reece," Ashley starts, "what's your major?"

He clears his throat and throws a glance at me before answering. "Accounting."

A chill runs up my spine every time he throws those honey eyes my way. I swear he must have a staring problem.

"Oh, that's... cool." she answers, the excitement from her voice fading. "Well, Parker's in STEM." she boasts.

I roll my eyes. "Actually, I'm taking a semester off and changing my major to advertising." I know she was tiptoeing around the truth because she thought I was keeping it hush-hush, but why lie?

"Oh really? Why?" Chris questions me as he props his elbows up on the table.

I focus a nasty glare at Reece. "Too many asshole men in STEM."

He only scoffs and throws his head back, tossing me a glimpse of his sharp-as-glass jawline and his Adam's apple. "Baby, I'm sure any man would rather drop dead than work in the same field as you."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, leaving a hand out to play with my necklace.

"Hey," Ashley pats the table between us excitedly, "did you know Parker was in the KU paper?"

"Really?" Reece goggles in what I know is fake curiosity. "For what, murder?"

Chris indiscreetly shoves an elbow in his arm as he mutters what's probably a reprimand under his breath. Reece just ignores him and takes a sip of his water.

"No, for stripping naked and running through the quad." Ashley finishes.

Then I'm sprayed with water as Reece spits out his drink in surprise. I clench my eyes and mouth shut as the water collects in droplets and drizzles down my face.

"Shit," I hear Reece say. Then someone plants a napkin right on my face and starts dabbing the water. I swat their hand away and take the napkin to finish cleaning it myself and when I open my eyes, I find a blushing Reece whose eyes stay down on the table, too embarrassed to meet mine. He flicks a glance my way and I scowl.

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