Chapter 17: Not-So-Chill

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I'm exhausted, but I'm not ready to go home. This night has actually turned out to be amazing, and even though I'm already spent from waking up at six in the morning to go on a run with Kayce, then heading straight to work to suffer through an eight-hour shift, and finally coming home to squeeze in a couple hours of studying with Val, I'm not ready to retire yet.

Reece and I walk out to his car after a very entertaining dinner watching him sweat over every little thing that happened. Turns out, Reece Ellis is not as cool, calm, and collected as he'd like for me to believe. I noticed how uncomfortable I made him– maybe because he couldn't predict my next move– and it was well worth it to pull him away and dance. He looked so nervous up in front of everyone, like he wasn't meant to be there or something. And this whole time I thought I was the uptight one and he was the chill one. I guess he never expected to see this side of me, and honestly, I never thought I'd unleash this side of me again– the side that knows how to have fun.

Reece reaches over and pulls the passenger door open, but I don't get in. His face freezes in uncertainty like it's been doing the entire night, causing me to smile. Then I scrape the keys out of his hands so quickly that it takes him a minute to realize what I've done. I ball them up in my fist and hide them behind my back while gesturing for him to get into the passenger seat with my free hand.

He cocks his head at me. "What is this?"

"Role reversal." I explain simply. "Now get in." I run around to the driver's side, though not before I hear a long sigh escape him and climb into the car.

As he slides into the passenger seat and shuts the door, he reaches over and rips my arm away from the ignition just as I'm about to put the keys in. "If you harm her in any way, I'll never forgive you, and I'll send that video to everyone on my contact list."

I laugh. "Don't tell me you're one of those guys that names their car something stupid like Betty."

"No, of course not," he argues, then lowers his voice to a mere mumble, "her name is Casey." He releases my arm and allows me to push the keys into the ignition and crank it. The car rumbles to life and sends orgasmic vibrations coursing up my back and legs.

"Well, Casey, it's nice to meet you." As soon as I put Casey in drive and pull out of the parking lot, Reece's hand shoots to the handle on the door. I glance over and laugh when I see how rigid he is in his seat. "Relax, I may not have a car, but I've got a license. Such a scaredy cat."

"Yeah, well I've never let anyone drive her before, so just be careful." he warns through gritted teeth.

"Hmm, he doesn't let you go fast, does he, Casey?"

"Parker, I swear if you wreck this car–"

"Hey, what did I tell you? I said relax. Here," I reach over, grab his hand, and flatten it out palm facing up to steal Wrenny's joke, "take a chill pill, I know what I'm doing. I know a road that's great for testing the RPM." I bite my lip nervously as I remember that it's the same road that takes you straight to the abandoned mall no one knows about. Whatever, I just want to see how fast Casey can go.

I take us on back roads around King's Court, the town that Kingston U is in, then put us on the road that goes straight for miles and miles until it hits the mall. I glance over at Reece, a smile on my face, only to see his eyes are squeezed shut. I can't help but laugh. Of all the time we've spent together so far, I haven't known him to be so afraid. "Babe, you gotta open your eyes, or else you're gonna miss the race."

"I'm just trying to embrace death."

I reach over and snatch his hand up. "Here," I position two of his fingers to rest on my wrist where he can feel my pulse. "See how calm I am? Hold onto my wrist the whole time if you don't believe me. I mean, you can't seriously have such a cool car and not wanna test her out every now and then."

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