Chapter 14: Grit Down

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I can't stop thinking about what Parker said to me the Saturday we went skating. Her words keep echoing in my head on a constant loop; Once I give this back, I'm done, I don't want any part of this. I can't for the life of me figure out what this thing might be to her, and it's killing me. But what's killing me even more is the fact that she hasn't spoken to me in weeks.

The last time she spoke to me was a couple weeks ago in our Econ class when she came up to me demanding I send her that video Wrenny found of her. She told me to delete it, but I kept it. Maybe she's right, maybe I am pathetic, but I can't get enough of that wild smile she flashes at the camera.

Damn Wrenny to hell. I could kill him for what he did. But honestly, I've got bigger things on my mind than killing a player we desperately need.

Now that preseason games are over, we're about to officially start our regular season games, and I'm getting so anxious I'm on the edge of exploding. We've only got another week until our first game of the season, so I've been focusing all my energy on that, which means my grades are starting to look a little rocky. But hey, what college athlete doesn't struggle with their academics? Grades will bounce back, but I don't see us recovering from a failed season.

The Kingston Silver Bears are a huge deal in our little town. We've built up quite a reputation over the years for being extremely entertaining to watch, and thanks to some of the dumber players on our team, i.e. Dylan fucking Anderson, the college girls of KU go absolutely crazy for us. It's totally fine with me that we're popular. Having a big, loud crowd to cheer us on makes the game so much more intense and exciting. I only wonder whether Parker will make an appearance or not.

We just got off the ice after a spirit-boosting practice and headed into the locker room to change when Wrenny whips his towel in the air. "Who's down for drinks in the dorms tonight?" he shouts to everyone.

"I am." Dylan shouts back with a raised hand.

And I'm immediately out.

"No, no drinking tonight." Chris says as he pulls his hockey bag over his shoulder. "We've got an early morning lift tomorrow, and it'll be my ass getting chewed out if any of you are hungover."

Wrenny lowers his towel in disappointment, but as he looks down, a mischievous smile teases his lips. He leans over and whispers something in Wheels' ear to which Wheels smiles and shakes his head reprovingly. Then Wrenny looks at me and points, then points at himself and nods. I chuckle down to myself and shake my head as well. I can never hate the guy for long.

"You comin' over tonight to run through some flashcards?" I ask as I pat Chris on the shoulder.

"Nah, I can't. I got the–"

"Girlfriend again?" I groan.

He shoots me a glare. "Sorry man, I got priorities, and unlike you, my grades are rock solid."

"I know, but this is like the seventh night in a row you've left me hangin' for her. I'm starting to think I'm not a priority." I tease with raised eyebrows, though it's not entirely a joke. I knew him and Ash were serious, but damn, would it hurt 'em to give it a rest every once in a while?

"Come on, Reece, we see each other all the time. We have practice together, and we walk to class together. I make time for you, babe." He arranges his fingers into a heart and holds it up at his chest. 

I roll my eyes and push him away. "Seeing each other at practice and before class is not the same as hanging out."

"Okay, look," he drops his hockey bag, letting out an annoyed breath before turning to me, "I've been asking Ash if I can bring you along sometimes so that we could all hang out. I thought maybe she'd wanna bring Parker along and that way we all win, but instead she told me no because she doesn't think you guys have been getting along all that well."

"Smart girl." I quip.

He pushes me scoldingly. "It's been seriously upsetting her." he emphasizes irately. "She wants to hang out with Parker, but she also wants to hang out with me, and I'm in the same boat, so where does that leave us?"

"It's not my fault the girl hates me. I was really trying that day we went skating, and you know how that day ended? With her yelling and throwing my jersey at me. What more can I do?"

"You like her, right?" Connor pipes up from behind me.

I swivel around in surprise as he steps up to join our conversation without an invitation.

He crosses his arms innocently and raises his eyebrows. "What, is it a secret or something? Do you like her or not?"

"I-I think so." I stutter, utterly thrown by his directness.

"And did she flat out tell you she wasn't interested?" he continues.

"No, but–"

"Then you're golden. Listen, girls are full of confusing signs and hints. They're basically just one big enigma, but if she hasn't told you to back off, then there's no harm in chasing her."

I look back at Chris questioningly, and he shrugs and concedes Connor's point. "At least try to smooth things over. Otherwise, it'll just be me and the girlfriend."

I sigh. How am I supposed to do that when she won't so much as glance my way?

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