Chapter 11: The Pigeon

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"You know, for someone who doesn't want a girlfriend, you sure are doing a lot of chasing." Chris critiques as we skate alongside one another. He decided to join me when Ashley and Val ran off to get some water. I tried not to notice when Parker chose to stay and skate with Bricky. Now the two are across the rink laughing and talking as he puts his hands all over her.

I can't be mad about it, either. Bricks already asked me about it when he noticed my persistence with her to which I told him I was only giving her so much attention because Chris and Ashley wanted us to click. And that wasn't a lie. I was just giving her attention because I felt pressured by Chris and Ashley... at first. But now I'm giving her so much attention because I like hearing her witty responses and seeing her nostrils flare when I annoy her.

I shouldn't be so surprised at my own feelings. Hell, me giving Chris my jersey for her to wear– the jersey I've never let any girl wear– should've been evidence enough of them. It's not like I haven't offered it up, though. I tried to get Kendall to wear it on several different occasions, every one of which ended with her telling me she thought they were ugly and throwing it back in my face. So why did I let Parker wear it? Maybe because I just knew she'd look fucking incredible in it, which she does. Her gray hoodie sticks out at the back, complimenting the purple of the jersey which sinks so low it covers most of her thighs.

"Hey, I still don't want a girlfriend," I clarify to him, "and sometimes the chase is the best part."

And I think she thinks the same way because if I'm not mistaken, she's playing hard to get. Just when I thought we were warming up to each other, she completely ignores me and skates off to join the others. And all I did was spray her with a little bit of ice. After she went so far as to push me down and embarrass me in front of my teammates, I'd say I let her off easy. But I know I couldn't have actually pissed her off because she didn't look angry or annoyed. She looked more... bored?

But who knows, maybe I missed a hint or something. If I did it must've been extremely discreet because I'm not normally the type to miss hints.

"Well, it seems like it's going well with you two." Chris states as we round another corner.

"Are you saying that because you want things to be going well between us?"

"No, I mean it wouldn't be the worst thing if it was, but–"

"Chris, I'm not an idiot. And I'm not oblivious to you and Ashley's constant curious glances towards us, but just a fair warning it doesn't seem like she likes me that much. Actually, it seems like her and Bricky might have a better love connection than we do." I say as I gesture in front of us where Parker's now slipping back into him while he tries to hold her up.

Chris is silent as we pass them and head into another loop. Then he shakes his head. "Maybe she's still warming up to you. Ash did say she was edgy around new people. Hey," he nudges me in the arm and flashes a smile at me, "you know what else she said?"

"No, what?" I prompt in a bored voice.

"That you're definitely her type."

"Are you not hearing me right or something?" I slap the back of his head scoldingly. "I said I don't want a girlfriend. So, either you're this adamant on getting me laid, or you want us to date and I already told you no to the dating thing, so what's your deal?"

"Okay, first off," he brings a finger up to count, "there's no need to hit. Second off, I'm not saying you have to date her, I'm just saying see where it goes. You guys seem really similar, and plus we all know she's not really into Bricky. I mean, really, in all our past experiences what girl has chosen Cal fucking Brokoski over you? The guy literally has no game."

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