Chapter 1: origins

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Warning: this chapter contains small amounts of descripted gore inside of it, readers have been warn, ALSO there will be cussing!!!! If you cannot handle gore or cussing, please read something else or try to read away from the gore parts/cursing , you've been warned.


I drifted off, into my own mind. . . thinking about my life, and my begging when i was a little girl.

The year was 2001. I was only about 4, I believe. Its all mostly a blur, but i still can remember what i saw when i was younger. I was raised as an only daughter to 2 Mexican parents who had no money. I lived my time with my parents well, till one day. . .

"Mija" my mother sighed, "You will stay at your uncle's house, okay?"

I only nodded back, i didn't a lot of Spanish or English. I always had trouble speaking at a young age.

"okay mija" my dad also jumped into the conversation, "you uncle is here."

I was excited, i knew my uncle very well, i hoped to see my cousin. She was the same age, but we got along very well. But what i saw wasn't my uncle. It was a different man, dressed all in black, i could barely see his face underneath all the layers of clothes. He grabbed my hand and brought me back into this white van, which smelled like the alchol my father and mother used to drink when they would yell at me.

"Stay here", the man told me. His voice was deep, felt like a monster underneath the layers of clothes.

But i did what i was told. I waited in the car for my uncle to come back and take me to his house. I could see him and my parents talking to each other. I saw him pull out a suitcase, i didn't see what it had in it, till my parents opened it. It was filled of money, my parents were so happy. . . My parents never showed any emotions to me. . . they would usually tell me to go to my room, and that's where i heard all their yelling and screaming at each other. My parents then soon rushed back into their house, they didn't even wave or kiss me goodbye. . . And this is where it all started.

I was in the car with this man, i didn't know who he was or what he did, all i saw in my innocent eyes that the man was my uncle. I'm not sure how long i was in that car for, but it felt like ages. I fell asleep in the car, and next thing you know i was in a cell, a prison cell. I was stripped from all my clothes, except i was changed into the hospital gowns, the ones that my mother used when she went to the hospital after my father stabbed her. i grabbed onto the bars and cried and yelled, but i couldn't say a word, or ask for help. Soon a scientist would come up to me, he was blonde haired, had a beard and glasses, brown eyes and looked like he was in his 40s. He grabbed my face and shoved a mask onto my mouth, restricting me from screaming and crying for help.

"You make a lot of noise as a child" the scientist said. "I thought you parents raised you better than this" He yelled at me.

"Alright everyone I want this procedure to go nice and smoothly, i want this DNA transfusion to go according to plans" he had a sinister smile on his face while looking at me.

I was scared, i was cold, i had nothing to protect myself from them. I felt weak, like a nobody. . . I soon felt a pinch on my skin, the scientist had injected a needle into my body. I felt dizzy, tired to stand up. . . i fell to the floor and started to close my eyes. . . the last thing i heard was the scientist crazy laughter and screams of happiness before i woke up tied down to a table. My body hurt like hell, felt like my body was burning, it reminded me of the hand burn i had when i spilled the boiling hot water on my right hand. all i could do was cry in pain, yet nobody could hear me.

The scientist walked up to me and gently patted my head saying "shhhhh, this will all end soon" as soon as he said that he scooped my eye balls out. and started his procedure of changing my eyes.

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