Chapter 3: A Painful Start?

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Warning: this chapter contains small amounts of cussing! It will contain some trauma in this story; Includes death. Read on your own cause and own will. You've been warned.

Before You begin reading, i just want to say sorry for not being able to update so often. There's been personal things going on, like school, work, and other personal health things i had to take care of. I Promise i will post more. There may be a shift in the story plot. But nothing to drastic. hopefully you understand.

i hope you enjoy reading <3 


I only feared what would happen in the office. . .

I was walking slowly behind Jen, still holding her hand. I'm too afraid to let go of her, she was an angel to me. First person to actually treat me better than anyone I've interacted with. The halls were quiet, I saw some other military men walking through the halls, causing me to panic and hiding myself from the monster I was.

"Hey, It's okay. We are almost at the office. I'll be by your side the whole time. Pinky promise" Jen holds her hand, with her pinky out. I didn't understand what to do "Oh, let me show you how to do a pinky promise" Jen smiles and grabbed my hand closing all my fingers except my pinky, and then our pinky's connected and had a firm grip on each other.

"And that's how you do a pinky promise" Jen smiles, she lets go of my pinky and grabs my hand and continue walking "A pinky promise means, a promise that you will never break, It also means you trust that person." she says. "Let's keep walking" she had a bright smile, like the sun. . . so bright and warm.

I only nod and follow her. We were already in front of these 2 black wooden doors. Shivers down my spine, feeling all nervous and sweaty. Will it be the same as the lab? Will they hurt me? I took off the jacket and gave it back to Jen.

"Are you okay? You sure you don't want to cover up? You seemed insecure about your scars earlier." Jen replied with shock toned.

"I'm fine" I replied, I pointed towards the door, I was asking Jen to open the door. I knew I could've asked. But my body wouldn't let me talk normally.

Jen knocks on the door "Captain? She's here." Jen stutters.

"Come in", a male voice. He had a heavy British accent, and a deep voice I would say, wasn't that deep but it felt deep and heavy.

Jen opened the door for me, the room was dark, I saw a shadowy figure, about 6ft tall. I also saw other people and 2 other shadows appeared. Who are these people. . .

"Good morning, l.t Price, Morning Captain Zero, And morning Captain red" Jen salutes to them. She stops saluting and stands next to me.

"You can leave Ms. Jen" Price looks at her with a straight face, he seemed to be soulless. "This will be a classified meeting with. . ." Price pauses and flips over some papers, till he finds the right page "Y/n". He looks at her again.

Jen softly nodded, and she was walking out, before she opened the door I grabbed her arm. Holding her tightly. I don't want to let go of her, Price was looking at me with a deep stare, he seemed pissed. I couldn't read his face since the room was barely lit up.

"Fine" Price said with a sigh "Jen it seems that Y/n doesn't want you to leave. So, you'll be staying during the meeting, so sit down and get comfortable. . . This might be a long meeting" Price turns around and grabs a cigar and begins to light it up. He inhales the cigar, and lets out a gray smoke behind.

"What are you Y/N?" a voice said. . . "Sorry, you don't even know who I am, I'm Captain Zero. . . So what are you?" He just stared at my soul, He was about 5'5ft he wasn't tall, but he was very strong, buff. It did scare me.

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